Ok, since a) I am in the condo for a large part of the day to avoid baby sunburns
b) Todd is out playing golf and is the only one who knows how to get the TV back
functional after a DVD last night,
c) several of you have commented you are on virtual vacation with us
and d) I have ADD...

I have decided to do a day in the life with the Groveses at the beach. I will be in and out all day, posting new pics, so be checking in!

First, we have breakfast! Again, NO ONE told Gabbi we were on vacation and she is getting up at the butt crack of dawn! And just about this happy when her eyes first see light! Her mom, on the other hand, has NEVER been a morning person! But, hey. My mama duties call, and we were up having nanas and yogurt bright and early!
Beacuse Gabbi is quite the chatty one in the morning, it was only a matter of time before this one lurked in!

I am very afraid, because she can now do this! Todd and I have used the ploy of just keeping the doors shut to keep her out of things, like the bathroom drawer (make up, q-tips, toothpaste... these are a few of her favorite things!)

In true Ellie Sue style she saw a bow and wanted it in her hair! LOVE that girl! And pretty soon thereafter....

had already made it to the shoe drawer! She puts shoes on first thing in the morning! This will be the first of a long line of shoewear we will get to enjoy throughout the day. I will try to catch them all. It will be like a dadgum runway show, I assure you!

And last but not least, Massonon wandered in. I let her sleep, because her services will become valuable to me later today!! ha.

OK, so now we are getting bathing suits on! Check back in a few! Melanie
Hi Melanie. I'm a first time commenter (not sure that's a word). I read your blog daily. I've been with you since the CaringBridge days. I was a lurker then (but a faithful pray-er) and I'm a lurker now. Anyway, I wanted to drop a line and say "WOW, you look great!" I could never post a pic of myself in a bathing suit. You go! I did want to ask about your surgery. You never mention it. Are things still going good?
OMG at the cuteness. Those girls are the most adorable things EVER!
I'm thinking that Gabbi must never ever cry. Lucky you. :)
Hey hey beach goers!!!! Looks like fun, wish I was there!!!
I'm going to be loving today!
Love the day in the life. Oh, my.....these pictures make me miss that place!!!!!! What a fun time we had! Ellie is up and at 'em and Gabbi is goin' strong......looks like "Maason's" got her work cut our for her today!!!! Have fun and I can't wait to see more! By the way, the Wal Mart dress was precious. We never had that one at our Chelsea Wal Mart. Dang those marketing people, don't they get that we want the cute stuff too? Rrrrrrr.........Happy Sunshine!!
Okay, I'm late checking in...it's been one of those days...but I love this "day in the life" business! Getting ready to check the next post!
Question...is there a reason you don't use bibs when the girls eat? I was just wondering about that! :o)
I'm so jealous! Love the pics. I wish I could spend some much needed vacation at the beach. Any way, about Miss Ellie and the door knobs. Safety 1st makes a door knob cover that are toddler proof. Basically they slip over the handle so it can't turn easily. To turn the knob you have to push the 2 buttons (when pushed in, they grip the handle) on the sides and turn. At first they are a pain to get use to. But, they do keep the kiddos from opening the door. My son just turned 5. Last summer, he finally figured out how to work them.
Have fun!
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