Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Yessss MA'am! Or as Ellie says it..."MesssMammmm"

Well, after all those LONG Easter posts, I decided to do something short and simple tonight.  Ellie's new way of saying, "messss maaammm" is hilarious!  For you northerners, you must know that ALL the good little kids in the south say "yes, ma'am" and "yes sir".  And Miss Ellie Sue is no different.  So cute.  I mean her new words... not necessarily that outfit she threw together!  



Bella's mommy said...

Too stinkin' cute!!!

Crystal said...

Love it, love it, love it! :)

a_manda said...

I love her language...gaggi, nasty, messmam---What's next?

A friend of mine-her little brother-called both her, a tractor, and his Little Tykes car "Dow-wie"

Michelle said...

So cuuuute! My 4yr old will tell his little sister "no, mam" when she is into something and it makes everyone laugh. A lady is a lady right? Train 'em right! Thanks for sharing Miss Ellie. Love it!

Monica said...

I completely agree, those boots crack me up also!! too cute!!

Our Journey said...

you can so tell that is a southern kiddo!! haha!! I think yes mam, and please and thank you were taught to me the day I was born!! Gotta love the south!!!

Love her outfit too!!!

MLP said...

Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuv it.

Kathryn said...

I swear, there is nothing cuter than the South end of MessMammmm going North! She is a treasure. Thank you for sharing that bit.

Liloia Family said...

That was so cute!!! And I love at the end when she's done, she walks down the hall....precious, just precious!!! Treasure these time, they go by so quickly.

Anonymous said...

Lovin the outfit Ms Ellie....LOL

Jennifer Taylor said...

Cute as always!! Love the rain boots once again :)

Emily said...

OMG-Does she sleep in those boots too? I love that little waddle when she walks away.........precious!

Diane said...


Anonymous said...

how precious! Love how she said, "bye Todd".

Auntie said...

HILARIOUS! My northern children were never so polite--just a simple "peeeaase!" up here in the northwoods of Wisconsin.

Martha from NC said...

Yes you are training your little southern girls correctly. Down south we do teach yes maam, yes sir, etc. I taught mine and they are teacing theirs.
Now, in reference to Ellie's outfit. Is there a problem - I don't think so. She has her "ever present" boots on so it's "all good." Thanks for sharing. Your posts always make me SMILE!!

Jeni said...

That is adorable!! I miss that age. Why do they have to grow up so fast? Thanks for sharing Mo. When is the Spring scrap book going to be for sale?

tricia said...

So darn cute!!!

Mary said...

so cute!

Mom2Four said...

Wow! A year later and I finally figured out how to register, my computer wasn't allowing for some reason.

I LOVE IT! Could she possibly be any cuter? Being from the South myself, I love love love to hear the little ones when they start learning the whole sir and mam thing. Does she call Todd mam too?

Unknown said...

How sweet. Such good manners for a little girl!

snekcip said...

Being from the South and YES M'AM/YES SIR was a "STAPLE" in your everyday language! Please don't utter the words "WHAT" , that "simple FOUR letter word, could quite possibly make you lose 4 possible teeth (LOL) or get a mean nasty rap on your knuckles!! Makes me still shiver!! I still to this day NEVER answer someone WHAT, it was considered very rude and disrespectful!! My Parents being born and reared here in the South, didn't play that!! I brought my kids up in the same fashion!!

You are doing a wonderful job w/those girls correctly!!!

Beverly said...

How precious is that girl!!!! She makes her own fashion statement and is cute to boot!

Unknown said...

OMG! How are you supposed to comment on that! TOOO precious!....and those boots are killa'!

Anonymous said...

Okay, the messs maaam is too stinkin cute BUT those boots, they are flippin hilarious. Does she sleep in them? My daughter is going thru a stage where she has to pull her socks up as far as she can, so her roll socks look like soccer socks..She refuses to pull them down, so it makes for a very attractive addition to her wardrobe. She is just a hoot Mel, such a riot!

Beth E. said...

Ellie's still rockin' those boots! That cracks me up! Can't say that I blame her though...they are so cute.

Thanks for the video. I love to hear her say, "MesssssMaaaam!" LOL

Unknown said...

Seriously she is the cutest little thing ever. Both your girls never fail to make me laugh. I think you should do a video a day....okay i'll settle for one a week but I need a daily dose of Ellie and Gabbi!!!!!!!!

Jenn_N_Luc said...

So cute! And, so true...southern girls/boys are taught to say yes ma'am/no ma'am and yes sir/no sir. I'm in my 30's and, out of habit, will still say it when I go in a store...even if the person is younger than me. Occasionally someone will tell me (younger or older)...you don't have to say that to me. And, I just say...Oh YES I do!! Just ask my momma!! :-)

Paige said...

I married someone who was not raised to say Yes Maam or Yes Sir, but he understands now how important it is by seeing my 3 nephews become young gentlemen! He knows our daughter due in July will learn to address us respectfully as well. He's not northern, just not completely southern---in the middle from Oklahoma! :)
Oh, and he is seeing how important thank you notes are from a child as well.
Love the post MO!

Donna said...

That is classic! Not only is she learning that southern phrase, she's getting in some extra syllables! Sweetness!

Lindsey said...

Precious!!! I love that stage! Thanks for sharing.

Kelly said...

Cutest thing ever!! I love your videos!!!!

Stephanie said...

I LOLed at her walking away, diaper hanging out, in those boots. That's my girl! Too cute! And Gabbi eating with her tongue out.. precious. And, the signs are just adorable. Can you tell that I'm playing catch up?