Sometimes it is just too awesome to stay inside! You just have to put on your polka dotted short shorts and your shades with the strap on them (like Dad's) and hit the backyard.

Or perhaps, just a big fat bow and get yourself seated comfortably in the Radio Flyer!

What?! WHat is this? Besides the verbena headed toward Gabbi Girl's mouth, I mean.

Ahhh Haaaa! It is Masson, blowing big, beautiful bubbles outside on the deck.

I don't know why I incriminate myself like this, but all I see in pictures like this is the background... the overflowing pot to the left with nothing but weeds in it. and the empty post on the white cabinet in the back. Oh. and the cracked terra cotta pot. So sad!

Oh! ANd those ADORABLE kidlings in the foreground!
My Gaggi Gull has always loved to held in the air. If I want to get a grin out of her, just hold her up! She smiles EVERY time! Masson apparently got that memo too.

Wow. Masson. What nicely groomed eyebrows you have there. And now, Gabbi will try a red verbena to see how it differs in taste and texture from the purple one she was eating earlier.

Had to throw in this picture of my clematis. I wish there was a clematis growing contest around here because.... I WOULD WIN! This sucker is HU-mongous! It blooms two times a year and is prolific! Would you just LOOK at all those buds?!

And I MADE Mary Allison hold Gabbi up beside one of the blooms just so you could appreciate the scale! These blooms are bigger than Gabbi's HEAD! They are monstrous. I would take home the biggest bloom prize at the clematis growing contest too!

All the gorgeous plants in my garden, and what is Ellie holding? A stinkin' weed! Oh, well, Gaggi seems to think it is awesome. And I think Gaggi's green squeaky shoes are awesome! Thanks, Maddi! Now, that Gabbi is in size 2's we can get the shoe wearing party started!

Ya know, it hit me today how close in age these two are! I was hanging things up in Gabbi's closet upstairs that I JUST took out of Ellie's closet (downstairs) recently! Gabbi is already wearing size 12 months! I cannot believe that. I think, "Gosh, Ellie just wore that dress." ANd then I realize it was last summer. And then, I realize that GG is about to be one too, so this is the summer for 12 month clothes. waaaaahhhhh This may seem like "duh" to you, but it was an epiphany to me. Already in 12 month clothes?! waaahhhhhh! Oh my goodness.... I wont' have a "baby" before too long. I don't know if I am willing to accept that!

I love this picture of Ellie, laughing so hard her eyes are closed. My girls are filled with such joy. I think that is just so much fun! Watching them be so happy.

Todd's mom, DeeDee, recently commented on some pics I sent her from this day, that Ellie only wears her glasses around her neck as another accessory. She doesn't actually put them on. ANd that would be correct. When the Easter Bunny had them in her basket, she picked them up but was less than impressed. I pointed out to her that Daddy had some like that, and he actually went and got his and put them on. Ohhhhh, buddy. That was all it took! Once she realized her glasses were strapped in the back like good ol' dad's, they became a permanent ornament around her neck!

And speaking of ornaments, that bow kinda slipped down, I think, and looks more like a HOOD ornament up there in front like that!

Well, thanks to all of you who recognized my cheerleading prowess! I will have you know that we jumped out and did that stunt in just about as long as it appeared to look on those pictures. I mean, seriously, without struggle. It is about "form"! And Jules and I have it! We are trans-FORMers, FORMula one, and FORMa fantastic. Next up... my splits! Stay tuned.
Don't forget to have a good April 20th week. There will never be another this week, so make it special!
P.S. Hey, let's have a contest... Sign on and tell me your idea for my little girls' birthday party themes... (one and two year olds) and I will use random picker thingymajig to pick two winners. One will get a scrap kit, and one will get something from MoBeads. Be specific too. For instance, how I can carry out such themes.... cupcake ideas, party favors, games, color schemes, whatev! Just cool ideas! Nighty night.
Hey..I don't have any real good party ideas, I just wanted to say how beautiful the girls are. And since I didn't comment on the last post (I hardly ever do b/c I feel like a weirdo)but your form was excellent and better them most teens!! ;) Hope you have a great week.
P.S Maybe you can have a fashion show party for Ms.Ellie. You can get tons of dress up clothes, shoes, pipe cleaners, etc. and have the kids or maybe adults put on a show...?? I just know how much she loves to decorate herself =)
With Ellie Sue, how about a party around jewelry, etc? She loves bracelets, necklaces, etc. She'd have a ton of fun with that. Cupcakes with jewelry, sparkles, etc, and with Gabbi Lou, I don't have a lot of ideas. She is so smiley, maybe a smiley faced theme.
Thanks so much for the pics. makes my day!!!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
I LOVE Ellie Sue's little polka dot shorts! So stinkin cute.
I think a Luau Party would be the perfect party idea for Ellie. It works for both boys and girls.....little grass skirts with the coconut tops,(even swim suits) boys with Hawaiian shirts. Limbo contests. Easy decorations like paper lanterns, torches and leis. Endless possibilities for kids. Also, I think Debbie Jean had the perfect idea for Gabbi Lou....Happy face theme!
You and your girls are filled with such JOY! That's why we all want MO JOY all the time.
Theme........I'm thinking along the lines of something with flowers. Where each two year old gets to plant their own flower in a cute pot?!? I don't know...I know there are ADORABLE ways to do this type of party and perhaps your post is why I am thinking a long these lines.
I did a Tea party when my girls turned 3. Every child was to bring their favorite doll with them.We served petit fours, ham & cheese, PB & J in cute shapes and served pink lemonade in small tea cups. And of course, a Teapot cake and ice cream. For the craft we made hats out of pretty wrapping paper and put ribbon and flowers on them and then had a parade . They had a blast being "grown ups"
I am definitely not crafty enough to come up with a good birthday party theme (hopefully I get better with that as I get older so that I can plan awesome parties for my kids one day!) However, I just wanted to note that even though you are embarrassed by your weed-ridden flowers, cracked pots, etc. it's obvious that you spend so much amazing time with your two beautiful girls and all of your family - so that seems like a great trade off! Your girls are getting big so quickly (I can't BELIEVE how big Gabbi is!) so maybe it's okay to let the gardening go a little awry ... and just think - when they're a little older, they can help you! :-)
Loved the photos from this post - also, I was just wondering - what kind of camera do you use?
Glad to hear things are well. I have been so busy the last few weeks, and the last time I had checked in, you weren't back to blogging yet, so I had fun going back and reading through the last couple of weeks and seeing the gorgeous photos.
I have commented before, but am a new follower tonight!! My mom was huge into birthday parties growing up (she never did the one I'm sharing with you), so I wanted to contribute an idea.
How about an old fashioned ice cream social? Since you have land, it could be under a white tent outside. You could rent an ice cream cart and fill old wash tub bins with old time soda pop in glass bottles for guests. Also fill old timey glass jars with ice cream toppings candy with use lots of pink flowers to decorate. Just an idea!!
I think a good party theme would be to pick their favorite cartoon character and play with that idea. There are so many cute accessories available (plates, cups, etc.)....love reading your blog EVERY day....bjan
Hey Mo! Haven't commented in a long time! Could it be anything else the a Princess Party for two adorable princesses?????
After looking at the pics, the first thing that comes to mind is a garden tea party. I see someone else has posted that too ( great minds)..maybe Alice in Wonderland or something like that.
Those babies are too darn cute!!! They will always be sweet babies to their momma!!
You have a great week too!
Love the pics of the girls outside. I am so glad that I am not the only one thinking ahead for birthday parties. I started working on Noah's in January and I am having a sock monkey party for him when he turns 2 in June. I am making him a cake and putting a sock monkey clay figurine that I got from Etsy. I had the invitations, thank you cards, cupcake picks, party favor tags, and some signs for decorations also made by another lady on Etsy. I am making cupcakes for everyone else and I am making monkey shaped cookies and decorationg them to put in bags to give away at the end of the party. I am having a sock monkey birthday shirt made from a lady on Etsy, because she has made an Christmas and Valentine's Day one for him. I am also going to use his sock monkeys that he has on the tables along with some balloons. I can not wait for his party because he is in love with his sock monkey and has to take them everywhere. Have a great day and I hope you like my idea.
First birthday party:
Theme: Diaper derby! Stripe off a track, and let them crawl/run down the track in heats, etc.
Decorations: Horsies of course! Bales of straw, rent the little carousel thing, make mini-cupcakes, and lots of pretty balloons, balls, and fun stuff to do. A little kid obstacle course is always a treat, and you know how to do that.
Or a circus theme would be fun, too. You can rent the cutest things that little ones can ride and play on with circus themes.
Ellie's party: Demo derby? Just kidding. I think something very girlie, like fairies would be fun! Fairies live in gardens, you know. Oriental Trading has great party stuff, and you could get wings there. Older children can plant fairy gardens in containers, and little ones can toddle around looking cute. Food? Whatever isn't nailed down or moving on its own! Little cupcakes are great for little children, and especially if it is outside. You know what is fun? Little bitty flashlights to give out when it starts getting dark. Little ones love to race around with their fairy lights. You can make fairy skirts very easily with a length of ribbon and cheap tulle or net cut into 3" wide strips. Just find the center of the strip, knot that on the ribbon, and grab the next piece. I always run a quick couple stitches on the first and last piece of net to anchor it. Cut the ribbon about 36" long, and find the center. Go out 1/2 the measurement of the child's waist. Then make a mark on the ribbon. Find that same point on the other half of the ribbon and mark. Start tieing the net. Finished in maybe 20 minutes tops.
Bubbles, soft wands, plenty of room to run and play.
oh, please like you need help with a party. You are sooo creative. Ok, I'll give you ideas. Only because maybe I'll win a prize!! For Ellie it's simple. Accessory party. For games....get a maniquin head (how do you spell that?) and do hang the necklace on the head. Ring toss with bangle bracelets. Cake is shaped like a purse! Goody bags are of course bracelets. necklaces, boas, etc. etc. Now Gabby girl.....she seems to enjoy nature so I would say Buds and Bugs. Cute sunflower cupcakes (oreo on center of top piped around with yellow frosting) or a catepillar cake is adorable. There are TONS of cute finger foods in this theme....games could be pin the bud on the tree (made of cardboard) Goody bags can be any plastic animal that they can "chew" on, etc. Good luck!
your girls look so happy :) I know you are too. AS for a party theme . How about The yellow smily face theme. Since your girls are always smiling? You can make brown cupcakes with yellow icing and put little black smiley faces on them. Any cake making place can do this too. You can but smily plates cups and such at any partysupply store. AS for party favors why not make picture frames and take picures of each guest smilling of course and put it in the picture fram they made as a favor. You can get smily lolli pops and make yellow punch. Shoot i bet walmart would give you some of there smilley stiff they haqve as decorations.. Thats my idea :) hope i win lol
Your girls are so cute. I love Elli's smile and Gabbi is always happy. Birthday party I think you should have a princess party for Elli. Have tiara's and boya's and princess wands at a table with necklaces and rings have all the girls put them on and the boys wear red capes and some kind of manly hats for princes. that could be the party favors also. The cupcakes or cake be shaped like a princess castle. The color scheme being a bright pink of course. Games can include a Princess (Disney) Pinata that you pull the string not hit with a bat much safer. Tape the Prince and/or Princess on the castle (like Pin the tail on the Donkey). Thats all I can think of for Elli's party.
Gabbi could be the Backyardigans In you lovely garden of course, if there is room. Have a Backyardigan cake and fun little prizes that have flower thems. I know Pin the petal on the flower haha. I like that kind of game can you tell. I am out of ideas sorry
Well after the previous post what else but a CHEERLEADING party, look at all the cool things you can get... pom poms, megaphones, whistles.... you name it....One of the gmes could be learning a cheer and Mo can be the coach :) have fun, love your blog!
Those girls are just precious!!
I'd say for Miss Smilie Gabbi's party the theme should be, smilies! :o) I know Oriental Trading Post use to have all kinds of smilie things.
For Miss Ellie, gotta be poka dots! Poka dot cake, cups, and plates. There will certainly have to be dress up with LOTS of jewelry. Maybe a poka dot diva party.
Thank you for sharing your girls with us.
are you trying to replace me?!
i'm sticking to nature...birdies/owls for gabbi. and maybe a carnival-esque for ellie. with lots of ACTION of course! like "bike" races, and cotton candy, and face painting. maybe even a tiny bouncer, since she loved the one at the egg hunt SO much...but then i may be going overbaord again!didn't i suggest the carnival last year? maybe just something simple like polka dots and cute little flag banner made out of cute polka dot fabric. and then some of the "things that go" games...
All things smilie (pages and pages):http://www.orientaltrading.com/ui/search/processRequest.do?Ipp=16&No=0&D=smilie&Ntt=smilie&Ntk=all&Dx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&Ntx=mode%2bmatchallpartial&y=14&N=0&requestURI=searchMain&x=26
I have no little girls, but 2 little sisters so that I can give you lots of ideas ;)
Let's see i'll just go down the list..
1st: Circus Party (No clowns, but circus games and red and white decorations)
2nd: Zoo Party (Kass loved animals so we went to the zoo with a couple of friends)
3rd: Gymnastics Party (We took her to the local gymnastics place and they organized a party for her, they made sure she had lots of fun)
4th: Princess Party (Makeovers, we rented a limo for the little girls, did their make up and their hair)
5th: Down at the Farm (We live in the country, so we had ride on horses and all that fun stuff)
6th: Water Park! ( We rented a huge inflatable slide and had luau decorations and lots of pool fun!)
7th: Flower Tea Party, we are doing dirt cake flower pots (Oreos and Vanilla Pudding) **This is happening next week!**
1st: Ladybug's (She had a ladybug smocked dress and we had a ladybug cake it was cute!)
2nd:50's Party! Katherine loves to sing and dance and dress up. So we did a 50's themed birthday party and had "diner food"
3rd: Inflatable Party (We took the kids to their favorite indoor inflatable park, and let them go at it)
4th: Candy Shoppe (This was my favorite by far!!!!)
5th: Fancy Nancy Jewelry Party, Full Out Dress up Party!
As you can see Birthday's are huge here!! If you see one that you like and need more information, do not hesitate to email me at maa0607@ecu.edu
I love party planning!!!!
I'm not sure about a theme for Gabbi...but I think Ellie need Fancy Nancy party!
Here are some ideas:
For Audrey's first birthday, I had a big cupcake theme. I had a giant (like the size of her head) cupcake cake for the birthday girl to tear into and then tons and tons of cupcakes (different flavors/icings) for the guests. I had boxes so that the guests could take home a few for later. Since it was mostly adults and I wanted everyone to have a favor, I contracted with a girl on etsy who designed a Hershey bar wrapper (with a cupcake theme) and printed them myself and wrapped them on the full size Hershey's.
Audrey even had a cupcake dress (from a too cute store I found) and matching bib. For the kiddos who are able, you could have a cupcake decorating station set up (this is what I'm about to do for my son's b-day) and have the cupcakes and either do the icing youself or let them (I think I'm doing it myself...I can't stand the thought of different kids getting a handful and licking it and then going back for more!) and have all different decorations for them to decorate the cupcakes (icing tint, gummy worms, sprinkles, candy hearts, etc).
You could also have those adorable cupcake pops ala Bakerella. SO CUTE!
Hobby lobby did have some super cute cupcake themed plates and I know that some of the online stores have cute 1st birthday cupcake themed stuff.
In the way of games, you could have a pin the icing on the cupcake game. You'd have to make it yourself, but have a naked cupcake and lots of different icing toppers cut out (different colors, etc) and do it like pin the tail on the donkey.
I think a jewlery party is the perfect thing for Ellie. For any of the smaller kids that might choke on the beads, have a special station set up with fruit loops and the fruit Cheerios and twizzlers to make stuff out of. (or eat)
You could have some really flashy rings and use them as cupcake toppers and use a giant cupcake pan and make the cupcake look like a big gem (do you see a theme with me??)
I have some pics of the cupcake party if you want to see. They are on flickr for the most part.
Good luck!!
I was bout to have to tell you that Ellie's bow was becoming more of a forehead bow rofl...Love the pics Mo
Okay for some ideas...
For Ellie you HAVE to do a girly "tea party" theme. Here is what you do. Get several round tables, pink, purple table cloths. Chairs, of course decorated. You buy the big white, pink, purple hats (think BIG),get lots of beads, play jewelry (party supply stores, Oriental Trading), feather boas, have every girl wear their fanciest dress or princess type dress. You can buy individual tea sets (I think I saw them at walmart.com or target.com, if you choose to do this let me know and I will find them for you)so every person gets their own take home set. Make scones, tea(we used orange sherbert mixed with fruit punch and sprite), dollar sandwiche , vegs & dip. Have adults do makeup on each girl, do hair if they want, manicures, pedicures. We did this for my daughters birthday and it was a HUGE hit....if you need game ideas let me know!
oh yeah...I totally forgot we went to the CUTEST dog party on Saturday fir renée's little friend. Everyone got dog ears and the craft was decorating dogtags. They served hot dogs and other stuff in dog bowls. And had a barking contest...I know ellie loves her dogs!:)
A cupcake party for a 1st birthday party, with everything all about cupcakes. You could even have cupcakes there for everyone to decorate themselves. Gabbi's cake could be a giant cupcake with a big #1 on top.
Ellie definitely needs to have a princess dress-up tea-party. Gather lots of bling and dress up things for all to participate with. Crowns for favors and a perfect princess cake to top it all off.
What about a Hawaiian luau/beach theme for Ellie's party? You guys could fill one of those hard-sided plastic kiddie pools with sand and put lots of "treasures" in it--costume jewelry!! The kids could search through the sand looking for their jewels. And for Ellie's "cake", you could cut a white cake into pieces and put into a CLEAN plastic beach pail, with some vanilla pudding on top, and then some crumbled graham crackers on top of that (like a pail of sand, get it?) Heck Mo, I'm thinking after seeing your cheerleading moves that you could maybe do a little hula dance to entertain the crowd too!
And what about a butterfly theme for Gabbi? Ooh, or ladybugs! Each of the kids could get a little butterfly/ladybug house as a party favor, maybe a little butterfly net too, since I'm thinking Gabbi's friends are a little older than she is. You could do a cool butterfly cake OR use a butterfly cookie cutter and bake a ton of sugar cookies and then have a "cookie bar", where all the kids get to decorate their own butterfly cookies.
How about a Noahs Ark theme for Miss Ellie? You know have 2 of everything, Pony rides, slide etc etc. Ellie is SO busy it seems 2 of everything for her to do would be perfect.
For Miss Gabbi a nice happy clown them. She is so smiley and happy clown theme seems to fit her.
Love Love Love those polka dot shorts. How cute!
hey! what can i offer for silent auction at shake for jake? i'm already making an outfit for lindsay yarbrough's basket, but i can do something else! monogrammed anything!!! i have a monogram machine. what about a beach towel with "believe" monogrammed??? let me know of some ideas! i wanna help!!! leave a message on my blog if you think of something.
a tea party would be great....we just had one with Lily. we had feather boas, and old hats it was great......
Love the pictures of the girls... they are soooo cute....
Party Ideas...
Gabbi - an ice cream party. With a sundae bar and cup cakes
Elle - a hello kitty party with the cake pops that bakeralla made
Angie H
Soso, MS
For either girlie this would work.
Teddy Bear and me party. Everyone (even the adults) can bring their favorite teddy bear. You can find and make a ton of teddy bear stuff. You can have stations where they visit with their teddy bear and do different activiites.
Princess Party, complete with Tiaras!! You could make a castle cake, have dress up clothes and accesories for the girls to put on, serve tea party sandwiches, etc. My 13 year old just did a Princess Party sleepover and they wore their fancy dresses, went on a scavenger hunt (in the snow) and played kiss the lipstick on the Princess! It was so fun seeing them being little girls! :)
My party idea is an ice cream party...complete with cupcakes baked in ice cream cones and frosted reeeeall tall to look like soft-serve ice cream. Have an ice cream sundae bar and play pin the cherry on the ice cream sundae. Pink and brown (even polka dots, my fave) are perfect colors (chocolate and strawberry!) and etsy has DARLING invitations and favor bag toppers.
I think you should do a messy party for Ellie. The kids get to paint and play in the dirt and just make a mess. You can do any colors she likes and activities. Of course, a cute smocked dress might not fit. So, maybe a Zoo theme will be better! Ellie Sue is turning two, join us at a petting zoo! I am sure there is a petting farm that would come to your house. You can get a little stuffed animal as a part favor for the kids (Or a ticket to a real zoo in your area). The zoo pals plates would work great. The cake could be any of her favorite animals!
For Gabbi's I think you should do a Survivor theme. She survived the first year of her life with Ellie around!
Why not have the party full of butterflies and dragonflies? Cookies can be decorated so cute! Maybe throw in some bumble bee's. Maybe all the girls could wear butterfly wings! I think there used to be a place on Forsythe that made some really cool invitations.
Denice Bell
Whoa! Long time since I did the "theme" birthday party....and never a girl one. Oh my!! The wheels are turnin........
For Miss Gabbi Lou a big cupcake with one big fat candle. You could let the guests decorate their own. I'm sure that you can find a dress with cupcake on it. A matching bow?
Now Miss Ellie Sue needs a double scoop of ice cream. Have a build your own ice cream sundae bar. Pretty little smocked dress, bow, jewlery?
Girl - you got this!!! I can't wait to see what wonderful ideas you come up with!!
Thanks for letting me watch. :)
I saw an idea the other day for party favors for kids parties. Instead of store bought sacks, they took chinese take-out boxes and decorated them, they were so cool! Sorry that is all that comes to mind for little girls as I have two crazy boys!
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