In the following pic are these people...Starting front row, left..
Veronicia, chairperson of the entire event. Staci, Jake's mama (and slacker blogger). Mandy, on silent auction committe. Melanie, supermodel.
Back row: Dawn, in charge of the 5K and fun run that we will be having on Satruday am before the Shake. Angie, chairperson of Jake's Jamboree, which is the outside morning event for kids... jumpers, face painting, games, etc. Jennifer, Sarah, and Stacey, all on the silent auction committee. There are more, but this is who were there at the beginning of the meeting.
And here we have Todd, Gene, Matt, and Richard. Don't you think our boys aren't doing their parts!
Have I told you about the leather writsbands that we are selling to raise money for the foundation? They are so cute! I wore a pink one today to work. Todd is wearing a red one in the following picture.
Here they are. If you want one, just go to jakesfoundation and put that sucker in a cart! Click on "shop", then"apparel " to the far right, then, "jewelry". I tried to link it for you, but I failed. Sorry.
As you can see, some say "Believe"....
Those bracelets are very cool Ms. Super model! Have I told you lately how glad that I am that you are back!?!? I am out of fresh blueberries, so atleast I got you back in the mornings!
Ok, I'm one of the lurkers!!! I've been following you guys since waaaay back in the Stanton, EG, and Zoe days at the Jude! I'm FINALLY coming out of lurkerdom to tell you how very cool those bracelets are and to thank you for coming back!!! I was going thru precious baby girl withdrawals!! Your babies are just precious! BTW....I think adoption ROCKS too!
Leslie (mom to Madi and Mo)
You look REALLY skinny in the last one! Glad your back! Girls tees are "presh" see you Sunday!
Wow....cute bracelets! You guys look adorable. Is Stacy loosing weight too??? She looks great! Did you get my email Mo? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks!
Called about motel today!! Now just looking for airfare....and trying to decide should I fly or just bite the bullit and make the LONG drive. Obviously flying is so much faster....but driving will be much cheaper....decisions, decisions!!
Definately will be ordering a new shirt and some bracelets so I am all set and ready for the Shake!!
Hey Supermodel! You guys are all amazing!!! I love the bracelets. I'm heading on over to check those out. I need a pink one!!!
The bracelets are awesome! Gonna head over to the JOR site to check 'em out. :o)
Melanie! I am so glad you found me. Your girls are beautiful and very precious. Thank you for your words of encouragement. Sometimes I do get restless. I am so trying to wait on God! I know that he has something in store for me! Thank you for sharing with me part of your story! It truly encourages me. We can not see the big picture God has for us. I am going to just keep on trusting. And not worry.
I'm one of those use to be lurkers but I have found my inner self. Sounds like a pyscology book, doesn't it. I would be happy to help in any way. I'm just an ole grandmother but still kicking and would love to help. We have lived with cancer in my family along time. But Mo, you need to read my blog today. We are a close family like yours and can say stuff to them, and do stuff to them, that we would dare let any body else do. I've also included one of those "dangerous videos". It is so funny. All of the brothers thought so. Let me know what you think. Rock on Mo. I'm also love your garden. I've done that, bought heirloom plants from little old ladies. Keep sending those pictures of those sweet girls.
Hey Mo!
The girlies are cuter than ever!
Whose says a board meeting has to be BORING....It looks like everyone has a great time working for a very important cause.
Okay Mo - I check out your blog and see your beautiful babies everday. Now you have to go to my blog and see my beautiful new baby girl.
I am headed over to get some bracelets right now. My husband and I have adopted your BELIEVE slogan when we blog about our son Cooper. The constant faith that your entire family always showed for Jake taught me how to never give up. I think my entire family needs a BELIEVE bracelet...and what better place to purchase them than the JOR. I am trying to be less of a lurker and more of a vocal fan! Thanks for always bringing that ray of sunshine to my evening!
Sarah Knight
One of these days I am going to be able to come to Shake4Jake. Why do you have to be so far away? lol Would love to be able to be a part of it! The bracelets are just gorgeous, thinking I will go get a few for me and my kiddos. Then I will have to send you pics of us wearing them. BTW you are a gorgeous supermodel. Tell slacker blogger to get her butt back on lol
so cute! Did you make them? My friend wants a necklace like mine. I told her to email you through your etsy store. I'm the're the supermodel...I guess we make a good pair!
I just had to get my last "fix" before leaving on vacation, as I will have no internet until we return. The bracelets are really great looking and I hope ya'll sell tons of them. Sounds like the Shake For Jake is well on it's way to a very successful event. You look AWSOME and it looks as if Staci has been losing some weight too. God Bless!
I wish that I could venture out to the Shake for Jake event. I am near Dallas, Texas. I think I am only about an 8 hour drive. I have never mapped it. Hmmmmm. I may have to see if there's a possibility. I am only coming though if there's a chance to meet the real supermodels...Ellie, Maddi, and Gabbi....lmaooooooo.
I'd really like to have one of the bracelets, do they come in sizes? I have a BIG wrist!
never mind! Guess I should have looked before asking if you carried larger sizes! Thanks for that!
I wanna come this year! If there is anything I can do to help, I want to volunteer. Just sign me up and tell me what to do. I'm gettin' one of those bracelets too. I was getting one Saturday at AF but niece needed a potty break and we got sidetracked and forgot to go back to the booth!!!
Yes, I am a lurker...I am friends with RADstitches and she has given me the push to not be a lurker any longer. I have been following you and your family for awhile now...such a lovely family. I always start my day with you and I am so glad to see that you are back. Oh, the bracelets are awesome...
Love the bracelets. When will the pink ones be available? (Or am I missing them??)
I also LOVE the earrings. Gotta get me some of those too.
Hey! I was wondering if ya'll are selling Shake For Jake t-shirts in advance? I would like to get one! I cant wait to see the girls in their Easter outfits on Easter Sunday!
Niki Clark
So glad to be back in the loop! The girls sure have gotten big while I have been gone!
Love the bracelets!! Cool...really cool!!! I'm so excited about meeting everyone, I guess I better get on the "horn" and reserve a room before it's too late!!! I gotta be sure to order my SHAKE FOR JAKE items before we head your way!!!!
Okay I must have missed the "entry" about the "ring finger" on the middle fingers, WASSUP W/THAT?
I've been called a lot of things but never a lurker. If the shoe fits...Lol :) Love the pictures of the girls. They are sooo precious (all 3 of them). I love the bracelets too, I'm going to have to get me one! Have a great weekend and again, thanks for coming back. I can get my daily fix again!
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