Well, you know me. I like to find a new thing to work on. Like I don't have enough to do already ! ANd that new thing is FELT barrettes! I love them.

It is probably the thing I have spent the most money on on Etsy, so I decided to make my own. Even my little GG (Ellie and I are now calling her that!), can wear it with style.

Yes, Ellie does have a new open wound on her head. This kid is so dang busy that simply the probability of her getting hurt is higher than for other kids! She was just sitting ON THE FLOOR by my bed, and somehow managed to bang her head on the metal bed frame.

And please don't overlook the beaded accessory! She is WAY into this neck-ace!. Thanks a lot, Katie. Ellie won't take it off! Speaking of my kid and her accessories... She saw a piece of yarn in Ashley, my speech therpist's, office in the "y" box, and said, "MOM, a neck-ace!". Awwwww. I am so proud. What other kids see as a string, Ellie sees as jewelry! Go Ellie! I am so proud of her imagination!

Masson liked these too and has started a new trend at the junior high. Cute, huh?

I have decided to do All Things Pink for Gaggi's birthday. She will be giving out these pink cupcake barrettes as favors. I have already ordered enough for her party. I am planning Waaaaaay ahead this year!

I decided to sport a few too. Mainly because Ellie got a kick out of it.

You can't call me vain! I have no make up on and greasy hair! But, would you just LOOK at that baseball clippie? I can already see my girls in navy blue shirts with little denim capris on at their cousins' ("The boys") baseball games. I have footballs too. I plan to put them in a purple bow for You know what season. GOooooo LSU!

As for Ellie's party, we are doing owls and naturey things. Her colors are going to be turquoise, lime green, brown, and orange. We will be clipping these little barrettes onto a branch for party goers to take as favors! Isnt' that going to be cute? I will NOT be doing my girls' parties on the day OF this year! No ma'am!

I will have these and about 4 or 5 other ones in my Etsy shop this week, so stay tuned if you are interested. They are glued onto grosgrain ribbon and are on alligator clips. I am also doing some initials, which I will try to show you soon.
Last night was our Relay for Life, so look forward to those pics soon too! PEACE. Mo
CA-UTE!!!!! That is a wonderful idea for party favors! I can't wait to see the girls party this year!!!
These parties sound very exciting, Mo! I love the felt barrettes. And you are totally rockin' the headful you are wearing. You're cute even without your makeup on! ;o)
Check out my latest post. I'm not wearing any makeup, either! Eeeeek!
Love ya,
Those barrettes are so dang cute. I love your new do. Your girls are going to be rocking with a mom like you. GG is a doll and so is Ellie.
SOOOOOOOOO darling!!! You party ideas sound perfect! So many reasons I need to get my bootie to your city!!!
Look at you, blogging all weekend! Love IT and the party favor ideas! Those parties are gonna be FUN-FUN!!
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