When things get slow around the Groves house...

we decorate the children!
Today just happened to be "replenish the lost bows" day, so we had a bagful of new bows to try on. Ellie found this bag and toted it around like a purse for about an hour.

This is absolutely her new thing... carrying bags around like purses! Well, finally, I persuaded her to let me empty out all the bows, and Gabbi was just a willing participant. Seeeeee....

Gosh, this kid is such a joy!
I did the same to Ellie, but she wouldnt' keep them in long enough for me to get a picture of her! You know how she kind of makes up her own words for things. Well, when I put one bow on each side of her head, she called them,"poppytails". ?!?!? I have NO idea! I mean, the kid calls her blanket her "Nasty". Sounds like a Janet Jackson song or maybe Christina Aguillera (no wait, that would be "Dirty"!)

Anyhoo... just to show that pretty much all time is fun time in our house, here is Ellie TRYING to fight sleep. When she is really, really tired, she just frantically starts talking. This is apparently her effort to stay awake. She definitely does NOT like to miss anything!

But the urge was just too strong! So, with polka dotted rubber boots on,...

Ellie Sue bit the dust and went "nighty night" right there in her high chair!

Well, hope you have a fun weekend. Is it me or did this past week FLY by?! I am so glad to have another weekend. So much fun! I will have to learn something new this weekend. I will share it Monday. That is a challenge to myself. Challenge yourself to do the same! Melanie
OMG!!! Gabbi looks like she has dyed Easter Eggs on her head-very colorful!
Poor Ellie---just give in girl, just give in.
I love Ellie's boots! She must have been sooooo tired. Gabbi seems like such a pleasant soul. I'm so happy for you and Todd to have two such beautiful girls!
Can you learn how we can bottle time and save it all up. I just am in awe over the similarities in Ellie and B. The high chair sleep sessions are a hoot hoot! That child is owning those wellies and I'm loving it! She is getting so much hair, Mo. Bows, oh the bows! Can't ever have enough bows. Sending you a big ole package.......can't wait for you to see what's inside. Working on shake.....fun stuff a coming, but that's the next box!
I.LOVE.IT!!! Go Gabbi! Go!!! Adorable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ellie's rainboots...precious on her! What would we do without those things?!?
Have a good weekend!
she is the happies little thing eva!!!! Bunking party at my house tonight..I think they may all be out now so I can hit the sack. They have a ball tournament tomorrow and Lee is going to DIE when he finds out what time they went to bed tonight! LOL
Love the polka-dot boots with the striped leggings.....that girl's got style! The pictures of Gabbi are hilarious and the fact that she smiled so big all the way through it, well.... just precious!
Gabbi lookes like an arrangement of Spring flowers! She has such a sunny soul.
Poor old Ellie Sue. Growing is such hard work. What a precious child!
Have a great weekend. We are going to have SNOW Monday for opening day of Cardinal's Baseball! I am going to freeze my tail.
Oh my gosh, that 3rd picture of Gabbi made me laugh right out loud. What a precious girl! Ellie's boots are awesome. I have some of those same high chair sleeping pictures of my oldest who is now going on 16....treasured memories!
My son does the same talk talk talk when he is tired. I love Gabbi's hair she is so happy and cute. Kids are so fun, my daughter at Ellie's age when do all those same things also, she loved purses and wearing boots or any fancy outfit she could get on. I miss that age, mine are now 5 and almost 7.
Ok, I've read Jake's Caringbridge site, and then your website, for about five years now, but (don't shoot me!) this is the first time I've commented. I have to tell you, I KNOW Ellie! I know her because, if he were a boy, he would be my son, Max, my 20-month old. It is amazing how much the two of them are alike... we call Max the Monster Max because if it's there, he's into it! He's fallen asleep in his high chair so many times, trying to stay awake, just so he couldn't miss a moment. I read your blog, and just laugh with understanding the love, joy, and total exhaustion you must feel!
These pictures are great. I especially love the pictures of Ellie sleeping in her high chair. I have some of Grant sleeping in his highchair wearing a baseball cap. They are just too priceless!
The girls are getting so big! I can't believe how fast the time is going.
Oh, I read your post with pics of the leather bracelets and I LOVE them. I think I might order every color also!
Thanks for sharing your life with us. Your words and pictures make me smile every day!
I love the picture of Ellie Sue with her boots on sleeping in her highchair! Too cute! Have a great weekend!
The picture of Gabbi laughing so hard with the bows ...and the picture of Ellie asleep in her chair may just be two of my favorite pictures of the girls...SO CUTE!!!
Im so lucky to be able to babysit these kids, they are just SO stinkin' cute! And always dressed SO well! And to top it all off they have some pretty COOL parents :)
LMAAOOOOO I love Gabbi's pictures. She looks like such a hoot. Ellie must have been warn out. I have a picture of my girlfriends daughter at Ellies age standing up leaning on couch sleeping. They just dont want to give in afraid they will miss something...lol
I can never get enough of these adorable girls! Thanks from the bottom of my heart for sharing them! Your family is such an inspiration!
The opening photo had me smiling right back at Gabbi. That is too precious!
Those girls are too cute! If they were my granddaughters, I would be broke! I do buy a lot for my grandsons, but it isn't the same as buying for girls. I can't wait to see their Easter outfits.
I'm with Ellie if I lived in that house of fun I wouldn't want to miss a moment either.
LOVE IT!.. That is too cute. I love the picture of gabbi really grinning big. It looks like she is really "belly laughing".
Love the pic of Ellie in the high chair too. My son used to do that..he would fight it hard and then crash.
Thanks for sharing, and bringing us out of "lurkdom". I bet you could win the most comments award!!!
I agree with Kathryn...Gabbi does look like a little flower! Such precious pictures. I don't know if that smile of hers could GET any bigger!
Poor Ellie just got plum' tuckered out, didn't she?! I can remember my boys doing that when they were little. LOL Were you able to get her in bed w/o waking up?
Yes, the week AND the weekend have flown by. Gearing up to do it all over again tomorrow!
Have a good one...
There is nothing like BOWS!! THE MORE THE MERRIER!!! Gabbi MODELS them well!!!
Ok...fess up...WHERE.DID.YOU.GET.THE.BOOTS!! My little one has a GROWING FETISH for RAIN BOOTS!! I have bought practically every WHIMSICAL PAIR @ Target/Walmart/Old Navy!!! There's nothing like a GIRL IN BOOTS!!!!
I am diggin' those boots! Ellie looks soooooo cute falling asleep sitting straight up and I cannot get over how fast Miss Ellie is changing right before our eyes! Keep those pics coming, I love them!
As always, love the pics of the girls, they are so sweet. Thanks for sharing your babies with us!
Have a great day!
Ok..so what new did you learn???
Those bow pics of Gaggi are HE-LARRY-US!
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