For all of you who like a little MoJoy with your breakfast, I say... get the super sized platter today! I have a LOT of pictures to share. But when they are this cute...

I just can't leave any out! Would you look at this smiley little kid?! I could just suck her lips off!

Anyone who has teens know what I am talking about. In the above picture, it looks like I have a "Grill". You know, those all the way across the front silver or gold tooth covers that rappers wear! Well, that is actually Gabbi Girl's bracelet that just so happened to line up perfectly with my front teeth! This next picture needs NO explanation!

So here be the stO-ry! We have an annual Easter egg hunt in both the West Monroe and the Ruston clinics. This year, we are "only" doing Easter arts and crafts WEEK in WM, but Jessi, in all of her wisdom, decided Ruston's show must go on! She even rounded these little critters up!

She called em' "real, live chicks". Not "real" and not jsut "live", but REAL LIVE!! Maddiboo had her first experience at an all day MMPT event! She was not so sure about REAL LIVE chicks though!

Ummmm, NO!
But THIS one...

Oh, yeah , baby! REAL LIVE CHICKS! Dude!
"Dear God, I will be so good if you will just let me touch one of those real live chicks. Amen."

And then it happened... the chicken whisperer, Jessi, sauntered over with the golden delicious... hey, wait a minute, is THAT why that fast food chicken chain is called "golden delicious"? Gross! Anyway...

Ellie poised and ready for the big moment.

Dum Dum de Dum... Poor, Poor chicken!

Don't you even worry about us not having adequate exposure for the big event! We had posters...

AND... each kid got a handmade invitation by
Jessi to take home as a reminder. We don't go halfway around here, folks! And while I am linking... this is a cutie patootie who came the shindig whose mom is a blogger. I made a deal with her... you can go see
her blog, and I get to use her cute kid as a model!

During the morning, we had indoor Easter art projects for anyone who wouldn't be able to stay for the afternoon fun. This is Katie and Brooke directing the show. Look at Gaggi.... like she owns the joint!

And of course, we had to put ears on all the kids and take pictures. Maddi says, "THIS AIN'T the LAST time I am going to work with MO!"

And EVERYBODY knows it ain't this one's last rodeo!

Would you believe that only ONE kid on this swing is actually there to receive therapy?! It was a little chaotic, but seriously, I think kids perform better with peers. Of course, there are exceptions! When I go work in the schools, I look like the Pied Piper! I love to get a whole group of kids around and do activities specially designed for the kid I am there to see. THen, they don't feel like they are sticking out and really in truly, ALL the other kids WISH they could do therapy too! It's fun! Ok, back to Easter.

Here is Jessi, just before she put on her "Easter egg hunt Director" hat and rounded up the young uns!!

Speaking of...

What a crew!

Who is that "bad" little kid on the far left who won't wait for the signal!?
Well, it sure as heck wasnt' this one!

or this one... whose mother must've misheard me when I said, "Easter egg hunt in Ruston". I think she thought we were going to "Easter egg hunt at Disneyworld" , so she sent Maddi with the world's BIGGEST Easter basket!

I am thinking it may have been an extra laundry basket! Staci, seriously!

This is one of those rare moments when the stars align, and all is right with the world, where all three girls are in a picture and no one is crying! Actually, REALLY sweeet!

Alright, so let's discuss the activities...We had the token "Guess how many jelly beans in the jar" game. And there was grab bags of goodies, and then there was....


Even little Tootie Fruity got her "bunny on"!

She didn't seem to mind it at all!

There was also THIS ring toss game...

U.N.T.I. L... Miss Thang thought the rings would make better bracelets, and in true Ellie style, she chose to accessorize instead!

We have the CUTEST kids at our clinic. I often tell the parents that we ONLY allow cute kids here. I mean, they are so precious. (and we look forward to adding a CUTE kid named Brock to that list! I got your email. Can't wait!)
This is one of our OT's little girlies... Is she not the cutest little thing?
These are the above's older siblings, and if you scroll up, the one getting her face painted is number three! yes, Amy has had quite the busy uterus! making them babies and all!
And here's ol' wild thang! His mom has the St. Jude tattoo! KEwl.
And these two just hit it off mah-velously! We were hoping there was not going to be chick guts all over the sidewalk. The chicken whisperer was monitoring pretty closely! After all, these were her DADDY's REAL LIVE CHicks!!
Now when we have these get togethers, the therapy must go on! So, me and the Con-man kept right on working. I am holding him to elicit trunk control, although he just thinks things are all peachy because we are outside instead of the usual work on the ball inside. Ha! Ha!
Ok, only a couple more. Don't doze off. We are almost done. Really!
These two got HIGH on some candy today! I didnt' even monitor it in the least. They had a ball!
If I could have waited a day longer to get my Easter cards made, I could have used THIS picture. It would have been just about close to perfect!
And don't think we scrimped ! This is ONE kid's loot! Way to go, L!
After all this fun, I caught this one all tuckered out! It was such a fun little day and lots of memories for all of us.
And now West Monroe has to make a big splash with arts and crafts. Think they can match it?!
OMG-- those pictures of Gabbi are probably your best ones yet! Simply beautiful and that smile is priceless. Looks like a fun filled day.
gabbi is just so sweet, and that first picture of you and gabbi is PRICELESS! Looks like it went great! (by the way LOVE their outfits! Looks like it wasn't too cold!)
Good luck with arts and crafts!
-Masson ;)
Whew, my head is still spinning from our Easter bash! I had so much fun! But thank goodness the "real, live baby chicks" aren't living at our house anymore...I've had about all the late night chirping I can handle!
Have I told you lately that I love the fact we can throw a party anytime we want?!?
You outdid yourself with those pictures, Melanie! My goodness...the girls are adorable!
I'm wishin' I lived closer to ya so I could've joined the fun! I probably exceeded the age limit, though! Oh, well...what fun things do ya do at Easter for people MY age??? Hmmm???? (And I don't want to hear about any craft ideas involving Depends!!!) LOL
So now, I need to get my bootie to Lousiana for Shake for Jake AND the Rustin Easter Egg Hunt!!!
WOW!!! So much fun! Think how many kids you guys made so happy!
Jessi ROCKS!!!
You are so funny and I loved every single last picture. Just adorable!!!
You have a gift - a true and rare gift of selflessness. You give of yourself and your family for all to enjoy. Your patients are so lucky to be so well cared for by a highly trained PT and staff but the fact that you love them is icing on the cupcake! Thanks for sharing the pictures with us. These were pictures of God's love in action. Good Job!!
Chicks Rule!! I don't even know if there are words for how darn cute those girls are! Jessi, that includes you too. That paaaar-tae was certainly the cutest. Congrats,'ve just entered youself into the "top that" club. Mo, I think this might be one of my fav posts yet. One day, we will have those three AND Haddie and Bowie together ALL looking at the camera at the SAME time.
You make me laugh, your girls are precious. Love the picture of Maddie, Ellie, and Gabbi together. It's going to be fun watching these cuties grow up,
I just got one you ever sleep??? With everything you do for everyone I don't know where you find the hours..You amaze me dahling!
Okay, I seriously need to know where you got Ellie's outfit?? And their bows, I know they came from Etsy but who?? I gots to get me some of those for my little ones.
Gabbi melts me heart every time I see her. That smile is as big as it gets...
Thanks for all that you do for everyone else. You are a very giving, wonderful woman Mel. I admire you!
I am in awe of your spirit! The pics are down right precious. You make my day!
Your kids are just precious! And I have to tell you that I snorted diet coke from my nose when I realized that Miss Ellie is wearing her rain boots! And that is why you are the coolest Mom! I let my kids wear rain boots and cowboy boots whatever the occassion or outfit because they are just too stinkin' cute NOT to wear them! Now, when you are you coming to Spring to work with my CoopMan? He needs a good OT/PT when we ginally get the heck out of here!
FABULOUS! Can I work for you??
OMG your babies are just simply precious. IF you ever need a free babysitter on the weekend just call my lil girl(Sabre)who is 10 would have a hay day with those girls. I love the pictures of Ellie and Gabbi they are just tooo sweet
The kids at your therapy center are truly blessed. You all are so very good to them. Looks like everyone had a great time. The girls we as adorable as always.
The praying to touch the chicks is so adorable! What great photos!!! Our friends from WM are coming up here to NC for Easter - I can't wait!!! Happy Easter, Mo...
Oh, what fun! When I was little, recovering from polio, therapy was in a dark, nasty room that smelled of hospital basement. Ick. What joy you bring to little ones. Thank you!
Your pictures are always great, but these are spectactular! You go girl!
Awesome pictures. I agree with Renee, these Gabbi pictures are the best ones yet. The last one is my favorite. I love the little pink nose!
Great photo's Mo! Looks like everyone had a eggstra special time! Thanks for sharing. You have the cutest girls in town! Hugs from Fort Worth!
That looks like so much fun. It makes me wish I was one of your girls. They must have the best lives with you and Todd. I hope you all have a great Easter!
Mo I saw this on another blog and seeing how many pics you take I thought I'd pass it on to you.
May I please have that baby??!!!?? OH MY GOODNESS!! I have said this the last two posts, but AGAIN ~ I think these are my new favorite pictures!! That first one of Gabbi is PRECIOUS! And Ellie and that chick-y....oh my word ~ DARLING! Ellie went from no hair to all those pretty little curls so quickly! Ellie is getting to the perfect age for all the holiday!! Enjoy and Happy Easter to your gang!
Gabbi looks soo cute in those pictures!
What cute pictures!!! I should have joined yall when I was in Ruston!!!
I had no idea Katie works for you-- she and I were best friends in Highschool and kind of lost touch once we both went to Tech!! Tell her I said HELLLLOOO!!! She is the greatest person ever!! Super sweet and very crafty---no wonder she is around you and Jessi!! ha!! I want to come to one of yalls MMPT events next time--- I am a great volunteer--> Just not very crafty unless yall teach me and thing or 2!!!
Loved this post!!!
ABSOLUTELY ADORABLE!!! That's all I can say!!! These pictures had me smiling and laughing and the one of all three girls together is just PRECIOUS!!!! Thanks 4 sharing them with us!
Those ears are a HOOT! I just love them. What a very special mommy those sweet girlies have... AND what a very special therapist your patients have! I can't think of a better place to find healing... I know how uplifting it is for me just to read your blog - I can only imagine what it would be like as a kid in need of a little extra TLC of some sort and be able to get all that AND a party to boot! What an incredible gift you are giving them...
(by the way, this is crazy-girl-from-Oregon-who-LOVES-your-ladder!) always! My daughter's PT clinic doesn't do anything anything cool like MMPT does! Your communities must be truly blessed!
Sweeter than marshmallow bunnies!! We had a BAD EXPERIENCE w/the Easter Bunny!! Everything was okay from a distance w/Bree, you know, the waving and the cute little "HI BUNNY" that is until. the. bunny. waved. back! It was PURE PANDEMONIUM, Poor Bree took off like a bullet! She ran screaming NO MOMMA...NO BUNNY!!! So longstory short, we didn't get the pics this year...hmm....maybe we should have tried the baby chicks! They are small and cute and don't look as intimidating as a LIFE SIZE BUNNY w/MESH EYES!! Heck the probably would scare me too (LOL)
love all the girly chick pics!
so many good photos - i can not pick a favorite.
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