I missed you all and am so very thankful for those who love and support me and my family. Just so no one feels "dissed", when my blog went "private", it was not "private" at all. It was closed. So, don't feel like you were uninvited. Just know that I had to do what I had to do. And "that's all I have to say bout that". (Thanks, Forrest!)
With that.. I am starting anew!
There is one difference this time around... I will have to approve any comments, so you may not see your comment immediately. If anything "good" came out of the past couple of weeks, I would say that it brought lots of you lurkers out of the dark and dreary shadows and into the LIMELIGHT! There is no turning back now! Better let me know you made it back to MoJOy.
Man oh, man, what a difference two weeks makes!! Gabbi is eating crackers with her little fingers ( in the case of the following pics... graham crackers!)

ANd more importantly she can now sit up all by her lonesome! 
Yay for Gabbi!
and then there is Ellie Sue.
Well, she is just a hoot! She thinks she must accessorize at all times!
Love this expression... just a wee bit devilish, don't you think?!
and I... I decided to make a couple of new kits. I have a springtime scrapbook kit. Anyone interested? We can make it a mini book, or we can do several actual 12x12" scrapbook layouts, if you want. Let me know if you are even interested. And I also have an earring kit ready with little silver wire balls and two turquoise drops dangling from the silver bead. I have this one ready and have a pdf file for the directions. See? I told you I have had a lot of time on my hands. OH, and since I have always seen this blog as my girls' virtual scrapbook, and since I had to take a hiatus from that... I have been actually paper scrapbooking more lately, and hope to share those pages soon.
Long story short. I am back. I am HAPPY to be back. I ENJOY sharing my life. Love to those who support me.
And big props to Jessi who designed my new simple banner. Isn't it cutie patootie?! That girl rocks. See you tomorrow! YAY!
1 – 200 of 306 Newer› Newest»OMG you're back....I missed you and your family......omg I think I was having withdraws......love you guys....sorry if anyone said anything bad or if they hurt your feelings......let me know I will kick their ASS......
Ooooo, if I could reach ya, I'd give ya a great big hug!!! I was so excited when I clicked on ya and it actually opened, it took me a minute to realize that I was actually see your page again!
And to see the "wee priss" sitting up...oh Mo, it just made me cry! You've been in my prayers, and I'm so glad ya'll are back!
MO - So glad you are back!!!
I love the new banner. Since I love your kits, I would be interested anything you are offering:)
welcome back
Welcome back :)
So glad you're back! You were sorely missed! Glad to see how great your girlies are doing! Please don't go away again...life just isn't the same! :o)
Welcome Back!! It is so good to see those precious girls! Thanks for sharing your lives with us!
Love the new banner....just adorable!
Oh I am so happy you are back!! I missed you so much!!!!!!! So glad when I clicked and you were there. Thanks Mo, for coming back. Please don't go away again! Hugs to Ellie and Gabbi!
God Bless~
Debbie Jean
THANK YOU! You made my...idk, several days? Welcome back!
Mo! I was so happy tonight when I went to my RSS Feeds and saw your name lit up again! It sounds so silly being as that you don't even know me, but like I said in my email and my message on Jake's site, I have been "reading" you since back before Jake went "home home" for the last time and I would have been so sad not to have seen your sweet babies grow and thrive in your awesome care!! You touch so many people, and I'm one of them. THANKS for coming back!!! :)
What a beautiful family! Welcome back:)
WOW! I can't believe you're *back*! I told myself tonight would be the last time I would check, and what a super happy surprise to see those smiling faces again! I am addicted to your blog - it *always* makes me smile - and I'm so glad you were able to include us all again! Thanks Mo!! :)
I must have clicked on the link to your blog at least a half a million times in the last couple of weeks and tonight I was rewarded for my persistence. Glad you're back. Elaine
HOORAY!!! I am sooo very glad you're back! You have all been in my prayers. I hope all is well.
I absolutely LOVE the new banner of the girls. That type of photo has always been my favorite of my own kiddos. The girls are just as cute as ever, too....but I am certain you already know that!
I would love to do more kits, jewelry or scrapbook, I have enjoyed both. I was at a Relay for Life crop recently and took my books with me...they were quite a hit! Thank You! Count me in!
Have a Blessed Day, and Welcome Back!
WAHOOOOOOOOOO!!! I am so glad to have ya'll back where you belong!!! I LOVE the picture on the header and I LOVE the new header. You and Jessi are BOTH rock stars!!!!!!!!!!!
Sitting up?!? Stop it!
Accessorizing everything?!? Love it!!!
You have been missed! Welcome back!
Welcome back, Mo. I sure have missed ya.
Oh, and about Miss Ellie and her accessorizing. Is that a chicken tender in her hand? Because that would be my kind of accessory! LOL
Gabbi is growing up fast. She looks so cute, sitting up by herself!
So happy you are posting again...
Love ya,
Sorry for lurking. I promise I will do better. Thanks for coming back. I missed you!
Mo! I have followed Jake and now you, and it became a nightly thing to read your blog, I am so glad that you are back!
I am so glad that you are back. You don't know me, and I don't know you...well in person anyway. I had followed your nephew on Caringbridge, and somehow ended up on Mo' Joy. LOVE your blog. I missed those darling daughters of yours and your sense of humor. Welcome back! Love from MN!
So happy to see you again!! :)
P.S. The header is awesome...the girls are beautiful. :o)
The girlies have grown in two weeks time!!!
Love the new banner - props to Jessi!!!!!!
Welcome back to cyberland.
YEAH!!!! I was thinking tonight... THIS STINKS Melanie isn't back! I have missed you and your girls! I can't believe Gabbi is sitting up on her own! They are both such cuties. I am still working on my Christmas kit... sad huh? I hope to get it finished on Fri at a moms nt out crafting deal. I am all ready to get a spring one too tho! We just got awesome bluebonnet pics done and I need a book for them! Love that you are back. Do you feel loved? :)
Holy smokies,if I were any happier I'd be a kid in a candystore I tell ya.... I just had to do a good ol Mo Joy dance. You will have to come to Missouri so I can show it to you k?!
Okay, so tell me, whatcha been feeding that little chitlin Gabbi?? Steroids??! Dear Lord that girl looks like she aged about 2 years... She is sitting up on her own now?! Nawing on graham crackers too! What happened to that little scrawny girl. I love how much she has changed even in two weeks. Oh Mo, you wait...Miss Ellie Sue. She reminds me of my Livi Lu. What a pistol. Tonight, Livi had 5, yes 5 purses, all full, her stunna shades(her words) on, earrins (as she calls them), beads, AND her cell phone. She told me "Mama I goin out." I will post pics tomorrow. SOOOOOOOO glad you are back my friend, I seriously was about to schedule me some therapy from missing you!
YEA!!! You are back with a bang. Lovin' the girls pictures. Gabbi is soooo proud to be sitting up.
I heard the good news last night that you were coming back. I've been checking frequently. You have been missed!!!
Put me down for a kit too.
Oh, and you and all those others who blog inspired me to do the same. My little one turned 2 on Monday, so in her honor, I started a blog. Yea me! Check it out. You know you are basically a celeb so I would be so proud for you to read mine.
Sheeeeeeeee's Baaaaaaacccccckkkkk!!!!!!
Whoot whoot!
Who rocks the house?
Mo rocks the house.
And when Mo rocks the house,
She rocks it all the way down!!!
So glad you're back!
I am so glad you are back. I've never signed in before because I didn't have an account but told your sister on her blog that I've followed y'all for years and feel like I've been your friend for all that time. I prayed for Jake diligently every day. I've rejoiced with your family when good has happened. I've laughed out loud and loved your pictures! Thanks for coming back! By the way, my name is Lisa and I live in Alabama and have twins who are 22 years old - seniors at Auburn University -- boy/girl!
YAAAAHOOOOOO! So glad you're back! Missed your joy and sunshine! And your new banner is absolutely stunning! Thanks for letting us share once again!
SOO glad to have you back! Will holler at you soon!
I was pleasantly surprised when your blog was open again.
Thanks for the visit. My 18 month old granddaughter Samantha is prissy and alway thinks she need some acessorizing. She is always wanting her hair done and hardly has any. She like Ellie is a girly girl and full of energy.
Glad your back.
MOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! You are back!! OMG I almost came to MMPT and kidnapped you!!
I am having a HARD time with my band--- You are my inspiration though!!!
I am so glad you are back and I love your new banner!! Jessi is the bomb.com!!
That's a GORGEOUS pic in your new header! Glad your back! Bring on the scrappyness and earrings.
Speaking of accessorizing....my 2 yr old niece pitched a fit with my mom yesterday because her flip flops..."not match!!....I not wear them Nana....they not MATCH!!" Such a DIVA!!
Welcom Back, I too have been having withdrawals. Your babies are still sooo cute. I love reading about your family, I kept up with Jake for such a long time, you guys have a very special family.
WOOHOO!!! Mo is back! I haven't ever posted a comment here, but I emailed you a long time ago about how you all cared for Jake's "buddies." I read your blog everyday because I need a ray of sunshine in my life at night after a long day in the hospital with my baby boy. Thank you for coming back out into the blogging world! You rock!
Sarah Knight
I am so glad you are back!!! I was going through withdrawals reading all about the cuties and seeing all their pics. They are adorable as ever. So glad you are back and we all understand you had to do what you had to do.
I am soo up for both kits!! Love all your kits. Keep bringing them and I will keep buying them.
Love the banner. That Jessi is good. Makes me want to start blogging just so I can have a cute banner made by her:) Glad to have you back!!
I am SOOOOOOO glad that you are back!!! I missed seeing those sweet babies! Thank you for sharing your life with us. It really brightens my day!! OMG I am so excited!!!! BTW I am Jennifer Jackson (aunt of St. Jude patient Noah Jackson) Can't wait to see more pics of the girls!
Mo - I am so glad you are back. I have checked your site, Staci's site, and Jake's site many times a day...looking for updates. I love the new header -- what cuties you have..thanks again for sharing your family. You are always making me laugh!!
You just don't know how excited I was to see your comment about Mo'Joy being back. WooHoo, and I can't wait to see you guys at Shake for Jake too!!! Welcome back and I love the pictures of the girls. Oh yea, I almost forgot, how about a 12x12 scrapbook.
I'm glad to see you back. Missed you like crazy! Missed seeing the girls and am grateful to Staci for filing in for a bit. I love the pics. It seems as if Gabbi grew so fast in your time away. Elllie is a living doll as usual.Thanks for coming back!
Oh yeah! I've missed seeing your girls growing up and hearing about life in the "fast" lane. Thank you for your perseverance and tenacity.
We missed you most of all!
OMG omg omg!!! I am soooo happy.. I so missed you and the girls!!! Todd too, of course!! hehe.. I cannot believe how much the girls have grown!! I did a double take when the blog actually opened!!
*sigh* all is right in the world again cause I can get my daily dose of MO :)
In the words of Ty from Extreme Makeover.. lol
Welcome Home Massey's, Welcome Home!!!
OMG Mo...I was so happy to see your page open when I clicked on it!! I would check at least 4-5 times a day! LOL!! I even emailed you at your clinic today hoping to get "invited" to your blog. I missed seeing pics of the girls, and hearing all about your day, and Ellie Sue's antics. LOL!! I am so sorry that someone was mean to you...I don't understand people! Don't they know if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all!! WELCOME BACK MO, TODD, ELLIE SUE AND GABBY!! WE MISSED YOU!!
So good to have you back! Your right it brought me out of lurking to taking action and opening an account so I could see those precious babies. I'm thankful that Staci blogged...I knew she could do it! (I say that and have never done it myself!)
Yay, you're back! First of all, I gotta say that Mimi's comment almost made me pee myself! Of course, I'd be happy to join her in some booty kicking though :-) Anyway Mo, glad you're back and hopefully the changes to your blog will give you the control you need to get rid of all the idiots out there!
I am so glad you are back!!!! Everyone has missed you soooo much. BIG HUGS!!!!! Just look at Miss Gabbi sittin' up all by herself. She has grown so much over the last two weeks! (has it been just two weeks? seems like two months!) And I LOVE the one of Ellie's devilish grin! Just wanted to say we all missed you. Count me in on the spring scrapbook! I'm more of a 12 x 12 girl myself. See ya'll at the Shake!
So glad you are back Mo! We've missed you! I've been reading about your family for over 3+ years (back to Jake's site) and feel like I know you! Your posts truly brighten my day and I am so glad to be able to read them again! The new banner is beautiful and I can't believe how much the girls have grown! Can't wait to continue watching them blossom!
Missed you Mo. Your girls are angels and you put a smile on my face with your amazing sense of humor. Sorry i'm a lurker but I will try to come out of the 'lurking closet'....
And for the people who find it necessary to be rude and can't keep their nasty mouth shut who are just JEALOUS that they can't have as much fun...GO ELSEWHERE!! You rock!! Keep the pics and videos coming. ;)
MiaGrace, FL
OMG...tears of joy! Thank goodness you're back. I didn't realize just how much I enjoy checking in on you and your girlies until you were gone. Don't do that again. :-)
So here I am, coming out of lurkdom to comment. Interested to see your spring scrapbook kits. I've never done it, but I think your kit might be a good way to start! The books you make are so cute.
Take care!
Yea, so happy to have you back. Love the header and love seeing the girls again. Didn't know if you would be back or not so I went and bought things to create my spring scrapbook with, but would love to still see your techniques.
Woohoo "the girls are back in town". Missed ya..fo sure! Love the new look! I sware those girls grew sooo much in just the last couple of weeks. :)
Glad to see your back... missed reading this blog during psych lecture... wait I pay attention I really really do. Currently up at this late hour doing homework for a chem lab and maybe just maybe out of all this I will become a pediatric PT...which is one reason I read the blog. Ok Done delurking and may disappear again, too many blogs to read and too much homework... know I appreciate your blog tho.
yippee! SO glad you're back-missed hearing about all of your family's adventures! and those girls...miss gabbi has just gotten so big and independent. and i've missed seeing miss ellie sue's sweet smile. love your new header, too.
are you ever gonna make that chunky coral necklace kit? i made the bracelet (love it!) and would still like to make the necklace, too, if you decide to do it. i'll work on the earrings in the meantime. so glad you're back!
Hi Mo! I wrote this on Lindsey's wall awhile back when you closed yours for a little while but my sorority sisters and I wanted to make sure you got to see it! We're all so happy you're back and can't wait to share the blog back at chapter meeting!
I've never commented before but I found my way to your site through Mo's and feel like I need to leave a comment. I am a member of the Delta Delta Delta sorority all the way in Sunny San Diego, CA and all of your blogs serve as a constant reminder to myself and my sorority sisters of why we love our sorority so much and why we work so hard to raise money for St. Jude and the amazing patients there. Mo your blog is always checked during our sorority meetings and we have pictures of Jake up at all of our philanthropy events to help inspire us as we work to help families like yours. We so love getting to know the people that we are helping and feel like your blog lets us do that. Please know that all of the Tri Delts in San Diego think so highly of you and your girls and thank you for all of the inspiration you have provided for us. You, Lindsey, Mindy, and Staci are shining examples of what strong women and mothers should be and we can only hope that our members are able to experience families as wonderful as yours.
We are all thinking of you and missing those sweet girls of yours!
Hooray! There are those sweet girlies. Thank you for the pics! I'd love to vote for the mini-book if I may. So nice to have you back. You were sorely missed!
Mama J is SO happy to see her "fav fab fam" once again. As you see, I get up VERY early and this is my "fix" for the day. I love your life and the way your kids are just rotten with LOVE. They are so blessed. It also gave me a chance to spend some time with Staci and her fab fam as well. Thanks for coming back. Great pics and you got it going on!
Hooray!!! Welcome back...you were missed by me and many.
Yay.. you are back Mo! I'm so sorry whatever you had to go through. I wish people would remember the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you!"
Anywho... glad to see the lovely picts of the girls. They are growing so fast. I can't believe she is sitting up so good. Yay for Gabbi!!!
I would definitely be interested in the mini book for spring since I will be taking lots of Easter picts coming up soon.
YAY! Glad your back Mo! I'll try to lurk less! The girls are gorgeous! Thanks for the "fix"
Welcome Back! You and your family have been missed! Made my day to see you and your beautiful family back!
I had to comment before I even read your post. WELCOME BACK! You made my day!
So glad your back!! I promise to not just lurk anymore!!!!
Count me in for the scrap book. Thanks for the comment on my blog. Teenagers are a challange but a fun one. I do miss my cuddly babies though!
So glad your back. Wow Miss Gabbi has changed so much in two weeks. And Miss Ellie Sue with all her jewelry. You have such beautiful girls.
WHOOOO HOOOOO Mo is back!!
Welcome Back you have been missed ! Love the new banner.
Welcome back - love you all!
Woo hoooo we're back up and running!!! As you saw Mo, ya'll are so loved!!! The girls look fantastic. I love the banner. Welcome back!!! I am so excited I could run to the moon and back!!! Thank You for making my day!!! Yippeeeeeeee!!!!
So glad you are back! I would love any springtime scrapbooking, it would be fun to do 12x12 this time.
YEAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHH! You're back. Oh, thank god. I couldn't stand it every morning I'd come down and "click" and nothing...then today VIOLA! Anyhow....yes, scrapbook kit YES YES YES. 12 x 12 pages work for me. Mini book.....whatever your pleasure. I have to be honest. I got the fall one....and began it and then put it away and now the tutorial is GONE....gonna have to wing it!
The girls got so big...Gabby is sitting up and Ellie is adorable as ever.
I missed you....even though I don't "Know" you...weird huh?
Ok, Lets scrap!
Oh Mo so so glad you are back. I missed you sooo much. I also love the pictures of the babies. and your prop is absolutely beautiful. I am in on the scrapbook deal. Thanks for coming back. Sandy
Welcome back!!! I have missed checking your page and laughing out loud!
I admit, I have been a "lurker" for quiet a few years now. I just enjoy your blog so much and found it as a daily "fix" for me. I am so glad you are back and I can now enjoy your daily dose of bliss! I think you and your entire family are just wonderful! Thanks so much for coming back :) Love them babes!
I am sooooooooooo happy you are back! I missed you guys so much!
Gabbi has gotten so big in just two loooooong weeks of not seeing her! Ellie is adorable as ever!
Take care and welcome back,
Yeeeaaaa! I'm so glad you and your beautful girls are back. Way to go Gabbi. She did a job on those crackers. I love the picture of the girls on your banner and I love that you and Stacy are both back. Don't let know fools ruin your and our fun! :) Looking forward to more pics and news on you, your family and friends.
I am so happy you are back!!!! Love the new banner. I want a scrapbooking kit!
I'm SO happy you're back. I was so worried. Love seeing these girls! Thanks for coming back.
I am so HAPPY your back. We missed you & your family. Alot of People missed you. Your family is special to all of us and it's like they say "You know who your friends are"
I cant believe Gabbi is sitting up!!! How exciting!
Oh My days will be so much better now! I feel complete again! I have missed you so so much! It is weird how I have never met you but feel so apart of you and your family! You give me such inspiration! I love the pics of the girls!!!! Can't wait for more to come!
Love ya!
YES - MoJoy is BACK!! Glad to see those sweet girls. Not sure what happened, I just hope it doesn't happen again!!! I can't believe Miss Gabbi is sitting up!! They are both just adorable!!
So glad you are back!! I was having "Mo" withdrawals. The girls are precious!
Praise the Lord! You are back! My life just hasn't been the same without my daily dose of Mo and the gang!
You are so precious, and I hate that anyone said harmful things to you!
Thanks for including us in your world!
You are all loved and cared about alot!
YAY!! It's a great day. We've missed you so much. I'll be better about commenting and not "lurking" as much :)
Have a great day and thanks for coming back to share!
YEAH!!!!! Thats all I'm gonna say! Love you and your sweet girlies! Yeah!!!!
How exciting is this?! The first thing I do when I get to work is check Mo's blog and today....yippie, it opened!! Two weeks, has it really only been two weeks...months it seems! Thanks for sharing again. They are such a sweet highlight of my day. Much love to the Groves' clan!!
SO glad you are back. I thought I was kicked out! He He! Sounds like something awful happened, sorry to hear that. You are loved all the way from Maine, and I am happy to be a part of your lives. Hope to meet someday!
Welcome Back and love the new banner. Would definately be interesting in the mini photo book you mentioned
YOUR BACK!!!! OMG i think i was having withdraws. So glad to see that you are back and i missed reading your blog everyday.
So glad you are back, I have enjoyed watching your precious daughters grow up. It reminds me of when my daughters were little. They are 16 and 10 now and I have a 5 yo son. I was so excited this morning to see you are back. I love your family, it's an inspiration to me. I started following Jake's page years ago and just progressed to your blog and Maddiboo. Thanks for coming back. Love to your family!
Yea!! Yea!! I'm so glad you're back!! I've missed you so much! It looks like Gabbi has grown a ton since you last posted. Both girls are absolutely precious! I know Ellie is a whirlwind now, but I bet you're gonna have your hands FULL when she gets a little older!! As much as she already likes to dress up, and wear high heels & jewelry, she's gonna be something to be reckoned with in a few years! But I know you love every minute of it. Thanks for sharing your beautiful family with us, and don't EVER go AWAY again!!! :)
Much love from Georgia,
Oh My Goodness, I was so, so happy when I went to your site and it came up. WELCOME BACK!!!! It made my day already.
The girls look beautiful!!! Yeah for Gabby.
YEAH... Your back... So glad I clicked on your site from my favorites this morning.... Seems like the girls have GROWN in these 2 weeks... GLAD YOUR BACK... Way to not let RUDE people get the best of you!!! We love you and your family!!!!
I am sooooooo happy you are back...I checked faithfully everyday...sometimes several times a day....I have missed EVERYTHING about your blog....
Welcome back. It's nice to see all is well. We are fighting the flood here in Fargo today. Praying the river stays within it's banks. Scary!
Have a great day!
Welcome back! I missed seeing your cute little girls faces. And booooooo to those mean people!!!
Hey Mo! I am so glad you are back, it is like saying WELCOME HOME TO BLOGLAND! I missed you and your upbeat personality and your girls are adorable.
Gabbi is eating Graham Crackers YEAH and sitting up on her own DOUBLE YEAH!
Ellie Sue looks great too, lots of mischief up her sleeve but we would want her any other way!
Come stop by our blog every once in a while Nick Doodle is getting big!
Welcome back, you were missed. I am glad your back! You did what you had to do, I understand but we still missed you like crazy.
Mo, I have a few other questions about the Shake 4 Jake so I will e-mail you privately.
Hey Mel,
I'm so glad you are back. I have loved watching your girls grow up. They are so beautiful!!! I am interested in the spring scrap package. Just let me know.
Denice Bell
OH the little things that bring us JOY!!! So glad that you are back. The girls are beautiful!!
Thanks for sharing.
Yea! Yea! Yea! I am thrilled that you're back! Boy, did I miss those updates! Welcome back.
So glad to see you back! I have really missed reading this everyday! Thanks for sharing!
Yay! It was like Christmas morning when I tried your page this morning and it was up. Whoo Hoo!!!!!!!!!!! Missed you so much!
Mo - So glad you are back! I love the new banner! Gabbi---you go girl! Won't be long and that kiddo will be chasing Ellie around the house. Poor, poor, Mel! LOL
Great to see you back!
So glad you are back!! I was having withdrawals!!! Your girls are getting sooo grownified!!
It totally made my day to click on your site today and see you are back!!! Love the new banner. Welcome back, you were missed.
Greetings from Wisconsin
I am so glad you are back. Missed you and your family.
I was going thru Mo'Joy withdrawals.
Just so glad you are back. It was just torture to not get to check in for two weeks. Here is a question - is ordering the spring scrapbook kit allowed when I still haven't finished the fall one? I always have the greatest of intentions!! :) Welcome back Mo!
Thank the good Lord you are back. I was beginning to think I'd never see those two cute baby girls again. I have missed you. Nuff' said.
I'd love to do the spring book. I have a new colt and I've got LOTS of pictures.
Glad to have you back, my friend!
So glad you are back.....I love checking your site every day and seeing those precious little girls. Thanks for coming back.
I have also always been a "lurker" but no more. Over the last two weeks I have thought I was going to have to find a "Mo Joy Blog Readers Anonymous" or something the withdrawals were so bad. Glad you and the family are back. And maybe since Staci picked up some of the slack while you were gone she will continue blogging more often.
So glad you are back.....I love checking your site every day and seeing those precious little girls. Thanks for coming back and letting us watch your babies as they are growing up.
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, I am so glad that you are back!!!!! WE have missed you and your family sooooo much!!!! Love you guys!!!! Melissa
Yay for being back and for scrapbooks of ANY shape and size -- bring it on!!! Thank you for being you :)
Welcome Back...MO......I have been checking your site daily....Missed your blog sooo much!!!!!
Thanks for allowing me a glimpse into your life! It's great to have you back!!!!!!
Yeah!! My days will be brighter now that I have the cute pictures of your girls to begin each day with!! So glad your back!!
Hi Mo, I am so glad that u are back. I didn't realize how much I enjoyed following your family until u were gone. I am sorry for whatever has happend think it is a good idea to approval all comments first. I also myspace and notice that a lot of people choose that option as well. The girls have grown and accomplished alot in just a few short weeks. They are so cutie putie's. Any way welcome back.
Welcome back!!!! I did not realize how much I look forward to your blog until it was gone. I feel so much better now that you are back.
I'm a lurker ... I'm so glad you are back.. Welcome back. o-yeah now I have become a lurker on the The Yarbroughs.. She is a hoot too.. Both of you inspire me. to try and be artsy crafty ( which I'm really not) ... but I'm going to give it a try. Any way there is a bird... I'm glad you are back.
So glad you are back!
Julie Ogea
So glad you are back! I have missed seeing your sweet angels! And of course you too! We have a lot in common even though we don't know each other personally! We have a 3 year old little girl named Emma Jean that we adopted! I am married to a man with the same sense of humor as you! Our house is always full of laughter and fun!
I'm so glad you are back...i've missed you! I'm a lurker, but I do follow your blog cause I just think you are a hoot! I've missed your posts about your two girlys. I've got a 7 mo. old boy and a 5 year old girl, so I love reading about kiddos--they are hilarious. Welcome back :)
I enjoy reading your blog; no matter what is going on in your life you are always an inspiration.
So glad to have you back... I start my day reading your blog then Staci's now I can get back on track (was out of whack for a few weeks now) :)
When you get a chance, could you please repost how to make Jin' omlets in the bag... really wanted to try it.
Angie H.
Soso, MS
Wow - great to see you back - you are like my daily vitamin - can't live without you! Girls - what beauts! You are a great family! And yes on the spring scrap book!
OMG!! Welcome Back!! You were VERY missed! I have been clicking on your link daily, ok maybe a couple times a day. I am just a lurker but long time follower. Glad to see those happy little girls of yours again!! Hope all is well...
Loooonnnnnng Sigh! Finally, back to normal...it just wasn't the same without you! Would you say Gabbi's "eating" or "smearing" crackers ( : ? She looks so proud of herself sitting straight and tall, and Ellie is just a regular fashion plate! The banner photo captures Spring perfectly! When my in-laws returned to WM from a trip here she was thrilled to see the azaleas in bloom and all of her tulips. Spring is not quite here yet, but it isn't far off - Can't wait!
Looking forward to the next post!
Glad you're back!!
SO happy to see your little family back! I'm a Jake Believer from way back and I'm horribly addicted!
Hope your hiatus fixed all the wanna-be's. You know, all you have to do is say the word. You have followers all over the map and I doubt I speak only for myself when I say; My boots are standing at the ready, just say the word and hiney kickin' is free.
Well Praise the Lord and pass the biscuits, you're back!! (That's an old southern saying in case some of you don't understand, right Mo?) Sooooooo glad you're back. Oh my goodness, I missed you and the fam. Love, love, love the banner; it's beautiful. Hope you guys are doing well and that YOU missed us as much as we missed you. Kiss those sweet girlies about two weeks worth for me. You guys remain in my prayers.
Love ya, mean it!!
So glad you decided to open your blog again! I guess I have been a "lurker" for about three years, starting with Jake's Caringbridge site. I posted on Staci's site when yours went down because I wanted you both to know how much I enjoy all your post and pictures! I have learned so many neat new things that I have used like... the omlette in a bag thingy, DELISH! Putting pictures in frames on my Christmas tree...LOVE IT!! Turning my camera when I take pictures... love it!! So, please keep blogging, it is really one of my highlights of the day!
LOVE the banner picture, it is so BEAUTIFUL!!
Love from Mississippi...
Yay!! So glad you are back. I will just have to confess to being an addict. I really missed your blog.
Goodie, Goodie, Goodie! I am so glad that you are back. I was sooooo sad when I was not invited, so the 1st thing I did this morning when I was able to get in is signed up as a follower. I don't want to miss another minute! I was so saddened to hear that someone had been hateful. Know that you and your family are in my prayers. I am sorry that the hateful people in the world have to spread their hatefulness.
Glad to have you back!
SOOOO glad you are back. Missed my daily fix of Mo and the girls. Love your new look on the blog. The girls are beautiful.
Missed you Mo, so glad your back. You know I'm addicted to reading your blog, its the first thing I check when I get to work (shhh thats our secret). Anyways glad your back!
YEAH... Glad to see you back and glad to have you back in my morning ritual of reading your blog. Oh and I would love to do a 12x12 scrapbook with you because I have alotta of stuff that was given to me for Christmas and I have yet to use it. So I would definetly buy a kit to do with you!
Oh, I am sooo happy to have you back. I can't believe how big the girls are getting, has it really only been 2 weeks?! I kept checking everyday, just in case, and I was thrilled this morning when your page actually opened! Also, I would be interested in the spring scrapbook (even though I still have the Halloween one uncompleted!). I think the spring one would make a great Mother's Day gift.
Thank you for taking the time to show us your beautiful family and inspire us.
All is good in the world again. Mo is back!!!
Mean people SUCK.
I'm glad your back...miss ya bunches!
Welcome back....Can you tell how much you were missed? You are right...two weeks made a big difference. Luv that Gabbi sitting up so big..and Ellie Sue is a real Miss Priss. I had checked and checked and when I didn't check last night....kazoom! YES!
Thanks (JJ)
You go girl! No more lurking in the dark.
Welcome back! I guess I missed any drama that went on...I hate that you had to close down for a while. But glad you are back. I cannot believe how big Gabbi is, sitting up all by herself! And Ellie does a better job at accessorizing than I do! Have a good week.
Mo, I signed up! Glad you're back! The new look is awesome! The girls are more beautiful than ever. I'm glad you got a rest but I sure missed you guys! Keep up the good work. Adrienne
Love, love, love you are back. This makes my day. The girls look like they have grown. Love that Gabbi is sitting and Ellie has her bling. Thanks for coming back.
Mo, I'm so glad to see you're back!!! I do not blog myself but I read yours and a few others every day. I love reading about and seeing those precious girls of yours and I have really missed yall. I'm so happy that I can see you all again. You made my day. That Gabby is so precious sitting all by herself and of course I've always thought Miss Ellie is too cute for words!!!
Love Yall,
p.s. This is my first of many commentsto come.
I am so very glad your back! I missed seeing your beautiful girls!
I'm one of the lurkers that have been drug into the limelight. Glad you are back.
Welcome back! Love the new heading. You can't be a little girl in a bishop.
WHOOOO WHOOOOOO!!!!! I am so glad you are back!!!!
Mo I am one of those long term lurkers from the caringbridge days. I have come to your blog daily waiting for you to come back.I am HAPPY that you have. Your girls are beautiful. Thank you for sharing them and your life.
Welcome Back!! What a great way to start my day!!
OMG, I cannot believe how much Miss Gabbi grew in that short time.
We are having some crappy weather here in ND, blizzards, flooding, it really stinks here. I'm ready to move.
Take care, and thanks for coming back.
(((((MO))))) I'm so glad your back. I feel like we lost our best friend for 2 weeks. And yes, I'm a lurker usually. I've been thinking about taking the plunge into Blog land. Maybe one of these days.
I missed seeing pics of the girls. I love Ellie's accessorizing. We don't do too much of that with the testrostone (sp?) levels in this house.
Keep those updates coming. Let me know if you have get up to MI. I'd love to hook up!
Thank the LORD! I was so worried! Glad to see you back. It seems so long since we've "seen" you!!! Love the new photo's. Hard to believe Gabbi Lou is sitting up all by herself!
I was one of those lurkers that never commented but have been a follower way back to the jake caring bridge site. I love following your families and am so glad your back!! Your humor just cracks me up!! I LOVE seeing pics of your beautiful girls!! They are precious!! Thanks again for coming back.
So happy you're back...you and the girls were my highlight of each day. My daughter had surgery yesterday. Refer to my blog for details and please keep her in your prayers and share the request with others. She has been through a lot in the last year.
Yeah! I knew you were stronger than those jerks that pissed you off! I am sooo happy to see you back, I have missed you so much! I can't believe Miss Priss is sitting up and eating crackers, she is so cute! I love your new look, of course I love all the pictures you put up, the header is very nice! Welcome back! Looks like I'm not the only one that missed you, don't you ever do that to us again, I'm with Mimi, let me know who did/done it and they got one hell of an ass kickin coming! Hugs from Fort Worth!
So glad to have you back. I've missed you!
OMG..I can view my little girls again..you don't know how much we missed seeing them everyday!!
Will the beach dates work for y'all?
Welcome back Mo! Was so excited this morning to see you are back! I think little Gabbi's hair also grew a bit since we saw her last!
I'm assuming since you are a sports fan of your LSU tigers that you've been watching the NCAA tournament. I had LSU going a ways in my bracket due to you guys! But.....they lost so thought maybe the last weekend you were absent due to mourning!
I am interested in the spring kit....although my husband will scoof at me cuz I haven't finished the fall book yet! :) We started remodeling and I don't have my room available to me to get all my stuff out! At least that's my excuse anyway!
Welcome back.....Dannon
yeah you are back. I missed you. Your babies are so precious. As for Elli and the accessorizing she just taking after her momma :) hahaha... And gabbi GRaham crackers are yummy and i like to get em all over me too..:) If you get a chance check out my blog. its all about my chihuahua and a few pics of the human kids are in there too. Adn my older two are adopted as well. :)
I almost fell off my chair - Welcome back - Oh how we missed you all. Your page looks beautiful, did you take that picture? Your girls did change in a couple of weeks, amazing. Once again welcome back - don't ever do that to us again!! ha.
YEA!!! Mo's BACK! Girl...you have been MISSED! And your beautiful girls too!
Wow...and you leave us for just a few weeks and Gabbi grows up on us! Yea for Gabbi!!
I would say that I'm in on the scrapbook...except, well...someday I'll have to show you what I did with your last minibook project. I'm not sure you would be so proud! :-) This is a talent given to some and the rest of us are just meant to admire it! :-)
YEA!!! You are back! I missed seeing sweet pictures of Ellie and Gabbi. Those girls are too sweet. Can't believe that Gabbi is sitting up now! :)
The new banner is absolutely adorable....love, love that pic!
So sorry to hear you had problems with your last blog. We missed you!
SO SO SO GLAD to see you are back!!!
I was so excited to see you were back. I missed those little faces.
I hope this experience is much better for you and Jessie I love the new design. Welcome Back!
I was so excited to see you were back. I missed those little faces.
I hope this experience is much better for you and Jessie I love the new design. Welcome Back!
Well what a very welcome surprise ~ you are back!!! Whoop Whoop!! That new banner picture of the girls is absolutely adorable!
How exciting to see Miss Gabbi Girl sitting up all by her lonesome!! Miss Ellie is cute as ever with all her *accessories*. Your girls are too too cute ~ and so very lucky to have you and Todd as their parents!
Kits...kits....bring on the kits!! Can't wait to hear the info for them!! Oh....CONGRATS on the *pdf* thing....I am so proud of you!! lol...
Welcome Back!! You were sorely missed.
Just saw you posted on my blog too...I would LOVE to see your techniques to help with back pain! See ya in June!
I am so glad you are back! I was one of those lurking in the shadows. I have bought some of your earings you made online. I have missed seeing your girls. My how Gabbi has grown so in the past two weeks. I love the little devilish look in the picture, it is so cute. And of course Ellie is always adorable. I am so thankful God has blessed you with two precious little girls to take care of. I am so sorry some mean person hurt your feelings. If I could get to them I would give them a piece if my mind and a tail kicking. I have followed your family ever since Jake's website and was glad when you started your own blog. I met Stacy at the Shake For Jake last year. I hope to meet you this year. I feel like I know you already from reading your blog everyday. Again welcome back!!!
Welcome Back!!!!!
Only two weeks and Little Miss is sitting alone and eating crackers. She is precious as always.
Oh Miss Ellie... I would love to squeeze those little cheeks. She reminds me of my Chandler. The sweetest most innocent face that is always into something. :)
YIPPEE YAHOO YAHOO YAHOO!!!! My day is now complete! I am hearing from "my friend" - that doesn't even know me!! You have no idea how much I have missed you and those precious baby girls! And your crazy antics!
Now honestly, I wouldn't expect any less from Ellie Sue than ACCESSORIES galore! And oh mercy, Gabbi looks like she just grew up over the past two weeks! She looks like such a BIG GIRL sitting up! And I love the header too!!
I'm just so HAPPY to see my friend back in the saddle! We missed you, support you whole heartedly and luv you to pieces!!! I completely understand doing what you must to protect your family, but all I can say is ~ I AM GLAD YOU ARE BACK!!!!!
Oh so glad you are back! Little Miss Gabbi changed in the last two weeks!
I am soooo glad you and your family are back and yes you are right...this certainly flushed out us lurkers. I can't believe the changes in your girls in 2 weeks, especially Gabbi. We are in the middle of a snow storm here in Winnipeg, Canada. So sick of winter - now we are worried about flooding - the fun never stops!! Once again, glad your back. You go girl!!
Mo....I am so glad you are back!!!Missed Maddi, Ellie, Gabbi, the boys and family, I have followed for such a long time. TODAY, I feel GREAT!!!! Keep the wonderful pictures and news coming...
Sooo glad you are back! Count me as one of the lurkers and my mornings weren't the same without my dose of Mo Joy. The girls are as beautiful as ever!
Definitely interested in any scrap-projects you are doing.
So happy you are back! I've said lots of prayers that all was o.k. with you and yours.
Glad to have you back!!!! LOVE the new picture of them at the top of your page! That is awesome!
I am a lurker from back on Jake's page, I started following you through Sandy Dubuc. I am glad to see you are back. I cant get over how big Gabbi had gotten. I like following your family because you are a lot like my family, never short on people or adventures.
Daily lurker for several years...I was worried I'd never see you again! LOL Welcome Back!
YEAH!!! So glad you are back!!! We missed you and your girls and please know WE SUPPORT YOU in California!!!!
Mo~ So glad you are back!! I missed reading your posts!! Love seeing you adorable girls!! The banner is a hit!!! Hope all is well!! Welcome back!!
So glad you're back and bloggin! I've missed the silly pictures of your little sweeties and the daily updates. Hope it's nothing but positive from here on out...
It's great to have you back, Mo. I'm sorry to hear about all the drama your family had to go through. I hope those people are long gone and will leave you and your precious family alone! The new pictures of the girls are awesome! Gabbie is so adorable sitting up! Hugs to you and your family!
Thank heavens your back. Your were missed muchly.
aka Rachel's- the sassy one-momma
YES!!!! You are back! Made my day.
Melanie - I am sooo glad you are back "LIVE". I fell in love with your family while praying for Jake through his Caringbridge website. You truly bring joy to everything you do and I love the silliness that is always present in your world. It is a great reminder of how we need to live life! Thanks for opening up your world to strangrs. PS - my family loves the Beach Club also! Maybe we'll meet one day!
I'm madly in love with the new banner. Absolutely beautiful! I've still be checking most every day just on the off chance that the blog was back up, and today... I almost wet my pants when you were here.
This morning, on my drive to work, I was composing a note to you. I thought I'd actually go snail mail for once just to let you know that you were missed. BUT that's typically where my notes of good intention end anyway. I think them through in my head but they never make it on paper or to the mailbox. On the off chance that I actually write one, I never get a stamp. So.... yay for not having to do any of that.
You were very missed. I feel like my morning routine can return to normal now!!!
The girls are beautiful!!!!! Gabbi's getting so big. It seriously feels like yesterday when you were anxiously awaiting her arrival.
Will they be at AlphaFest???
YAY!! So glad you are back :)
Welcome back!!!! Now I have "Mo Joy" to start my day. I confess I was a lurker...mostly cuz I forgot my freakin password but also because I felt a wee odd...i don't know you at all and was I intruding? Anywho, I shall lurk no more and am really pleased you are back and I can see pix of these sweet girls.
I will tell you a little secret...you give me so much hope that one day a young woman will chose me to care for her baby as its mommy...every day I have hope! So thanks for taking a risk and coming back and bring us a little joy in an otherwise dreary world!
Yipeee!!!! You are back. No more lurking. My best friend and I have been following since Jake got sick. Praying and crying the whole time. My daughter loves looking at the pictures of the "babies" (this from a four year who thinks she is her brother's age...12). She likes Elle Sue so much that she named her webkin elephant...Ellie Sue. Glad to see you are back. Welcome Back! I really wanted to come to the office and give you a big hug and let you know that you were loved and the girls were the luckiest little girls to have a mom like you.
MO!!!! I am sooooo glad you're back! I have missed the updates on the girls and all the fun things going on with you all. Gabby girl has just bounded in the last two weeks! Yah Gabby!
And Mis Thang Ellie, is absolutely adorable, she's so girly!
I am so glad you're back and I love the new banner!
Love, Susan
I am so glad you are back! I missed you and your sweet girls!
Hi Mel,
It is great to see you back. I missed my daily fix of the goings on of the Massey- Groves household.
The girls are gorgeous as always. I love that Ellie is such a fancy girl. My Courtney always loved to accessorize. She is 13 now and she has not changed a bit :)
So so happy to have you back Mo. Like I said before I have been a "lurker" for a long time.
The girls are just adorable as always and growing up so fast.
Lane Barr
I can't believe your really back!! You have just made my day thank you so much! The girls oh my, look how big they have got! I promise to do better at posting, well I'll try anyway!
As for the kits I'd love to do both. I emailed you how much fun the girls had with the last one, don't know how they will do with earings though. I'd also love to do the 12x12 pages this time, if possible.
Hey! Welcome back! It was good getting to see you and Elli at church. I am not normally around! You look great!! Thanks for sharing your family!
Niki Clark
(soon to be Graham)
It's about time! I'm so glad to see you back. I've commented once or twice but I guess I'll have to come out and speak up more often.
Look at Gabbi! Maybe it's just me but she looks so much bigger sitting up all on her own.
Anyway, I'm glad you are back. I've missed you and the wild girls.
My how I have missed your family!
It looks like the kiddo's have grown a foot.
Take care and again, welcome back to bloggings!!
Well, talk about a SPECTACULAR way to start the day..... checking on Mo'joy and finding the site back up and running again. Sooooo good to have you back, Melanie. The photos of your girls are great... and congratulations on Gabbi having passed yet another milestone, that of sitting up on her own.
Oodles of warm hugs, Denise, xoxo
I've been checking everyday, sometimes more than once a day, and am SO glad you are back! Loved the new banner pic of the girls. I'm sure you have plenty of pics to share since you've been "gone" so long. Let us see them, please.
Thanks for letting us continue to be part of your life.
No longer a peep!
JakeDog and I are doing our HAPPY DANCE!!! So glad you're back!!! Can't believe Gabbi is sitting up. Are you sure it was only 2 weeks - it feels MUCH longer. Love Ellie's accessorizing, I bet she will soon be making beautiful jewelry like her Mama!!
Welcome back!!
Love Holly & JakeDog
Hi my name is Megan, and I am addicted to Mo'Joy! haha. SO glad to see you back!!! We missed you!!! I HATE that you had to disappear for a while, but understand people can be less than caring sometimes. OH well...we are all in this together!!! Oh, and I ma interested in the spring scrapbook kit, and the earrings. The earrings sound familiar.....didn't we make those at your house??? Either way I NEED them, so I AM IN!!!!!! Glad to see ya back again and lovin' those sweet precious little girly-poos!!!
Welcome back - still believing and checking on Mo' Joy and those girls from good ole St. Lou, MO -
So happy to have you back. You wouldn't believe how much I've missed hearing from you and seeing your family. Love the graham cracker photos and all the accessorizing. :) I would most definitely be interested in another scrapbook. I've loved the last two.
WOOHOO, so happy you are back. I have to admit I have been a lurker for many many years. Missed you but so happy you have returned.
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