I missed you all and am so very thankful for those who love and support me and my family. Just so no one feels "dissed", when my blog went "private", it was not "private" at all. It was closed. So, don't feel like you were uninvited. Just know that I had to do what I had to do. And "that's all I have to say bout that". (Thanks, Forrest!)
With that.. I am starting anew!
There is one difference this time around... I will have to approve any comments, so you may not see your comment immediately. If anything "good" came out of the past couple of weeks, I would say that it brought lots of you lurkers out of the dark and dreary shadows and into the LIMELIGHT! There is no turning back now! Better let me know you made it back to MoJOy.
Man oh, man, what a difference two weeks makes!! Gabbi is eating crackers with her little fingers ( in the case of the following pics... graham crackers!)

ANd more importantly she can now sit up all by her lonesome! 
Yay for Gabbi!
and then there is Ellie Sue.
Well, she is just a hoot! She thinks she must accessorize at all times!
Love this expression... just a wee bit devilish, don't you think?!
and I... I decided to make a couple of new kits. I have a springtime scrapbook kit. Anyone interested? We can make it a mini book, or we can do several actual 12x12" scrapbook layouts, if you want. Let me know if you are even interested. And I also have an earring kit ready with little silver wire balls and two turquoise drops dangling from the silver bead. I have this one ready and have a pdf file for the directions. See? I told you I have had a lot of time on my hands. OH, and since I have always seen this blog as my girls' virtual scrapbook, and since I had to take a hiatus from that... I have been actually paper scrapbooking more lately, and hope to share those pages soon.
Long story short. I am back. I am HAPPY to be back. I ENJOY sharing my life. Love to those who support me.
And big props to Jessi who designed my new simple banner. Isn't it cutie patootie?! That girl rocks. See you tomorrow! YAY!
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 306 of 306YEAHHHHHHHHHHH, you are back!!!!
I missed ya terribly~!
wow, so glad to see you guys are back!!! I was having major DTs! LOL The girls are so adorable!
I am so excited to see you back online! We have missed you and those baby girls! I would love to see a 12x 12 scrapbook and the earrings sound great. I missed getting the bracelet but my daughter got one and it is great.Have a great day
FYI~ Crossing your fingers before you hit enter works--also saying, let there be a post--PLEASE!!!!
I'm in the penalty box for sure!!!!! I must confess, I have been a lurker since your blog opened. I followed you from Jakes site. Anyhoo~ you get the picture!!
I'm in a bit of trouble......please forgive me:)
Your family is an inspiration, thank you for letting us be part of it.
Forever an ex-lurker
So happy to see you back Mo!!!!!! Love the new banner. OMG Little Miss Gabbi got so big in the time that past...Miss Ellie is still just adorable!!!
Welcome back!!!
So happy to see you back Mo!!!!!! Love the new banner. OMG Little Miss Gabbi got so big in the time that past...Miss Ellie is still just adorable!!!
Welcome back!!!
Woo Hoo!!!! I missed the updates soooooooo much!!
Happy - Happy - Happy! I can now get my Mo'Joy fix.
To say the least I'm glad you came back, I was getting worried even though Stacy did do well in your absents (oh, and Stacy, keep it up, your great too!)
A Proud Navy Mom!
YAY!!! You're back!! I missed you! Glad you and the family are all doing well! Love the new pictures and yes, she does look a wee bit devilish, but oh so cute!! Keep it comin' girl, I've been waitin' too long!
I have missed you guys so terribly!!
The girls have grown so much! They are precious!
So glad you are back- you were definitely missed!
Mo! We've missed you! So glad you're back.
So glad your back!!!! I missed the girls they are just precious!!
I'm glad your back! We missed you!!
We missed you!!! So glad to see the girls....I can't believe Gabbi is sitting up!! Those precious babies are so lucky to have you!! We have all been praying for you! Please don't let anyone get you down! Tons of love, by lots of people were sent your way!!!
Forgot to post about the KIT! I would start a 12x12 fpring scrapbook!!
Really missed you and your little family!! Take care
Wow, scrolling down through the comments and seeing so many messages to you just astounds me. You are so loved! Many of your "fans" are probably strangers to you, like I am, brought to your site from Jake's. I'm so glad you're up and running again. Loved the pictures of the girls, so cute! And your new banner is just beautiful.
~Kathy in Texas
I posted my "Yay" this morning but I did just want to say, your beautiful girls are so LUCKY to have you as a Mom. Aside from the obvious adoration you shower on them, they are lucky enough to have a Mom who is a pediatric PT and knows exactly WHEN she needs to worry. I bet your kids will be the least neurotic kids on the planet lol! My 14 y/o daughter goes to PT twice a week for a knee injury - I wish she could be going to MMPT but I think the SC-LA commute would be a bit much after school!
Once again - I am so glad you are back and I L-O-V-E the new banner - Jessi rocks but I am guessing you took the beautiful picture!
*waves* I'm one of those lurkers you mentioned. I'm so glad your back!!
So happy you are back. I missed checking in on your family every day! I've been following your family since Jake was at St. Jude. My nephew is treated there. I can't believe how grown up Gabbi looks. Welcome Back:)
I'm so happy to see that you are back! I'm so sorry for the heartache but glad that you're back! I love your new header and the pics of the girls are awesome! Love, love, love seeing that Gabbi girl sitting up.
If you haven't already, please check out www.mycharmingkids.net and pray for Sweet Stellan.
Glad you're back!
I missed you and those wonderful girls. I've been following for a while on here but even earlier with Jake. I even signed up for a google account, so I could leave a message.
Mo, so glad your blog is back up. I went out of town and came back and it was gone. Went out of town again this week, came back and it was back! Yeah. I love the new pictures. Your babies are precious.
You do not have any idea how happy I am that you are "back". I couldn't even tell you how I stumbled onto your site to begin with but have been hooked. I love checking in on you and your 2 beautiful girls. I was going to give it a couple weeks and then I was going to break down and email you and beg you to come back online!! As for kits, I would love to do a mini scrapbook for Spring. Again, welcome back!
I was really missing you Mo!! Welcome back and please don't leave again. I hate to think of someone giving you a hard time. You have really helped me so much in dealing with grief, you showed me that joy can be found again.
I can't wait for more pictures of the girls!!
FINALLY! I missed you and the girls more than I would have ever imagined. Thank you for coming back to all of us who love you! I'm going for the earrings as soon as possible. Loved seeing those girls again. They are both so precious..love seeing Miss G sitting up...love the accessorizing by Miss E...love seeing your blog again.
YEAH! You're back! I was so relieved whenever I clicked on your blog just now and saw it was up and running. I have missed reading about those precious girls... and LOVE THE BANNER at the top of your new blog!
Happy-Happy-Happy--- you are back!
Welcome back! I don't think I have ever signed in but I will now! I've followed you over from Jake's place and love hearing about your little ladies!
Miss ya Mo!
Marianne NJ
I am glad that you are back. I am one of the people that just read your blog and did not comment but when you closed it down I signed up so I could keep up with you and your family. I started keeping up on Jake's caringbridge page and have just kept up with you since then. I am new to this so you will have to bare with me on this. Well I am glad that you are back.
It's almost pathetic how much I have missed someone that I have never met! Thank Heavens you're back! My morning coffee has not been the same since you have been away and there have been very few "belly laughs" since your absence! I was starting to worry that I kept clicking daily even though I knew you were "private". What's wrong with me? How long would you have to be gone before I would just stop clicking??? And I'm not even talking once a day clicking...sometimes I would click 2 and 3 times just hoping that your little cuties and associated funny stories would be back! Thank goodness I'm "diligent" or is it just "deranged?" Either way welcome home from a family of five in Cincinnati!
Mo ~ Glad to see your back. As always, the girls are beautiful...such cutie patooties! Have a great week!
love, Christy
p.s. I love the new header!!
Sure have missed you and the girls. Welcome back! When I clicked and it opened and seen your beautiful girls it brought a smile to my face!!!
Thanks again for coming back to my work environment and making my day!
Welcome back !!! I didnt realize how much I enjoyed reading what you wrote each day ! In honor of the new blog I decided to leave a comment for ya for the first time since Jake's caringbridge page :-)
Love and Prayers !
Welcome back sister! Glad you are back with all of us! I know you feel blessed to be LOVED by so many people!!!
I'm glad that you are back too! I've been needing a fix of your southern sunshine here in Minnesota!
MO ~ so glad you are back. Start my day with you and it just hasn't been the same. I also pass on your tips of things you watch for in your girls to my kids as their littles ones are the same age.They too had to teach the little on to roll over. Anyway, I too am interested in the Spring scrap. Let me know. Becky
Hey it's great to read you again!! and see pic's of those cute girls. Although Stacy helped in those withdrawls!! anywho I'm glad your back!!
I was so happy to open the site and see that you were back. I missed reading your blog and the hilarious posts and cute pictures of the girls. By the way the new header is very cute.
haller- lewyer (hallelujah) SO glad you're back-i know i can count on at least a few laughs when i can read your blog. megan and i missed you terribly
haller- lewyer (hallelujah) SO glad you're back-i know i can count on at least a few laughs when i can read your blog. megan and i missed you terribly
Oh my gosh, thank goodness you decided to come back. I missed reading your blog and seeing your beautiful baby girls. Never know what you miss till it is gone.
I can't believe how much Gabbi has grown in 2 weeks. She looks so much bigger and with more hair.
Glad your back in action.
Thank goodness you are back. I have missed my "fixes!" those girls are getting sooo big. LIttle miss Gabbi is going to be moving soon - watch out Ellie pay back is coming soon!
Glad you are back. Love the new site.
Yippeee!! So glad you are back! The girls are adorable as usual!!!
Blessings, Lisa
I'm so glad you are back! I have been following your family since before Jake's transplant, and now I have become an official "blog follower." Consider me out of the woodwork.
Yay! Welcome back!
Thank goodness you are back. I was also in shock when I clicked the link and it actually opened. SO COOL!!!! kristen theriot www.caringbridge.org/visit/hannahtheriot
Ok so I am a lurker. Gee.
I happy ur back.
All I kept thinking everytime I clicked on your blog was dang
So glad your back and all with you is safe and sound
So glad you are back. Missed seeing your girls so much. My they have gotten soooo big since you last updated. It just wasn't the same without seeing updates from you. Thank you for sharing your beautiful family with us.
I posted earlier today, but don't know where it went. So I am going to try again! Just wanted to say how happy I am that you and your family are back. I followed Jakie Boy for a long time, then went right over to you and Staci. So I have missed you all and don't leave us again. We really love hearing from you.
Judy for North Carolina
I'm so glad you're back, I've missed your blogs and the beautiful pics of the girls. If we're voting on the spring project, I'd like the mini-book! Since doing the fall mini-book I'm addicted!
Guilty lurker here, but I am SOOOO glad you are back! Count me in for the springy scrapbook and earrings(do they co-ordinate with the bracelet?)
WOW! Look how much the girly girls have grown in the past two weeks!
Welcome home! (well, you know what I mean)
Missed you!
So glad you are back. You were missed.
Welcome Back!! I missed hearing the stories about your wonderful children on a daily basis. You really don't know how much you are addicted to something until you can't see it anymore. Anywho - I'm glad that you are back...
Welcome Back!! I can disconnect my withdrawl meds now. I will pray for the horrible souls who tried to disrupt your world.
earlier comment-but just thought of ths. i posted an email to your mgroves11 address two weeks ago (when i thought i'd been voted off the island) pleas check for it - lengthy but heartfelt- so happy to have you back in my 'make my day happy ' thanx again - luvya - neneopfd -nita womack
I am so glad to see you are back! I have missed seeing pictures of your adorable daughters.
Yay!!!!!! I am a long time lurker from Jakes days. Welcome back!!!!
Wahoo! Oh, happy day!
I am so glad you are back..
Sorry some people say mean things..
Thanks for sharing your life with us!!!
Hugs from Iowa,
Oh my! I certainly have a problem. I have "lurked" as you call it for some time. First I lurked on Jake, then you and now Staci. I was out of town when your site went down, thinking it was my out of town connection - I just checked on you when I got home. No MO! It was horrible.
I think those girls grew an inch and a half while you were gone!! So glad to see you back and I will continue to watch your precious families grow and play and love each other. I can't wait!
BTW - I want one of those scrapbook kits!!
Glad your back! Hope you and your family have a great weekend!!!!
Big Hugs!!!
Take care,
Yea, you're back! We've missed you! Thanks to Staci for giving us our fix, but glad you're back so we can read both your blogs again.
Love the updated pics of all you girls.
No more lurking....HUGS from WI
So glad to see that you are back. Missed reading you.
I'm a chronic lurker. I followed your family back on Jake's CB, and headed over here when you started blogging about your girlies! I've never even signed, and yet I feel like we're old friends! :-)
Glad you're back!
GOD BLESS YOU FOR RETURNING......HERE COMES A HUG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome Back!! Thank you for opening your world back up so I can peek inside and be inspired! I am another one of the lurkers that got pulled out of the woodwork after being silent for several years way back to Jake's site. But, I just had to come out and show my support!
Your babes are just precious -- actually, your WHOLE FAMILY is awesome!!
Thanks, again, for coming back to blogland! We missed you!
YAY YAY YAY!! Mo's back! You have been missed!!!
I can't believe it! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I needed a lift! I may not have won the Pay It Forward from Anna Jane's Mom Marlo but I'm a winner to have been accepted back into the Mo' Joy blog. I go back to see the 2nd opinion Dr re: my cancer tomorrow, I think this is a good omen. Kiss those little darlins for me. Again thank you and God Bless!
So very glad you are back! I didn't realize how much I needed my dose of "Mo' Joy" until you were gone!
Hello - I used to sign your guestbook often when I visited your posts on sweet Jake's site - and then here on Mo'joy I tried a couple of times but my comments never appeared - I dunno; computer iliterate maybe :) so then I sadly just becaome a 'lurker' (plus sometimes I just feel like what I type rambles and make no sence-UGH!
I am SO HAPPY you decided to return to blogging. Your daughters are so danged cute; their smiles melt my heart! And you just have such a neat way of saying things-and seeing the good and the FUN in all things.....I just love getting my daily dose of your family....so Welcome Back! and Thanks for coming back, too.
SOOOO Glad you are back Mo!!!! I, like everyone else, was having some serious withdrawls!!! Looking forward to reading your blog again!
YES! So happy to see you back! I was checking daily at home (okay, at work and before work, too). Hee, hee! This morning, here you are!
Welcome! I have some fresh bread with jam and coffee and am settled in for some MoJoy time. Thanks Mo!
I am So glad to see you back, when I came to check on you, I couldn't get in, and yes, i was sad :( No more pics of Ellie Sue and Gabbi Lou, my heart hurt. But now it is rejoicing...your girls are still precious and getting so big. I know it hasn't been THAT long, but they are growing like little weeds :) So happy that we can all still follow you & them.
Much Love,
Audra Deffenbaugh
I am glad that you are back, I missed ya'll while you were gone. Can not wait to see more pictures of your girls.
What in the world happened. I am a Jake Believer and have been following you for years!! I did not know what was going on...I hope it is all taken care of..Please know you are inspirational!!!
HEY MO!!! Do you even know how excited I was to find you back!!! I have off here a few days and I thought I would just see! I am so glad to see those sweet little girls. I have not commented much but I will try to start, I dont know your family but I followed Jake for through his sickness through Brady Burford.
I cannot believe how Gabbi has grown in just a couple weeks!! WOW
and Ellie has pigtails!! YAY
keeping you in my prayers and I am glad your back!!
Talk about withdrawals....you've been missed. Glad you're back in blog world.
Love that you are back.
Oh missed you guys like crazy, I love seeing the pictures of your sweet little girls. I really missed your posts and very happy to have you back. It is too bad people have to be such meanies. I love the picture on the top of the girls it is very cute. Have a good day and welcome back Laurie
I am so glad you are back and you didn't let the forces of evil win! :) Mean people suck. I have been following silently since the Caringbridge days. The girls are cute as ever!
Thank you --- I have missed you and your family.....I have your family through Jake's illness and now with your beautiful daughter.
Glad your back.
WELCOME BACK MO! WE missed you and yes I have delurked! Now, stick around so we can get our ms ellie and gabbi and the rest of the crew updates!
Glad you are back, and glad everyone is good and enjoying spring!
Blessings to you and yours! :)
I was so excited to click on the site to "check it" and it was actually open!! Oh how we all have missed you. Is it silly for me to say I can't believe how much the girls have grown? Have been a lurker since the beginning. I guess I will have to come out of hiding! Glad to have you back.
I am so glad that you are back. I really love reading your blog each day. Your girls are so cute and it is such a blessing to watch their daily lives. I don't get to sign in very often but have been following your family for a very long time. I begin following Jake's site and now follow your's and Stacie's sites. I feel like I know you guys. Your family is such an inspiration and a blessing. I am sure that following your stories has given hope to so very many people. Anyway so glad that you're back. God Bless you all.
I am so glad you are back
Glad to see you back. I read your blog all the time; however, I seldom post. Sorry you had issues or better, sorry someone else had issues with you on here. I hate that you are having to take the time to approve comments now, but you gotta do what ya gotta do!
Thanks for taking the time to share your family with all of us. You have inspired me in many different ways, and I missed you & your blog while you were away.
I have missed ya'll! Kimie told me to get on to see her Niece's. Gabbi has grown so much. The pic in the wildflowers is precious! Will be seeing ya'll sometime in May.
I am out of the loop-didn't know you were back up. Yeah!! You know it's my entertainment. And I have to show off the girlies to everybody! Love ya'll!!!
OOooo I think I'd be interested in doing a MINI spring scrap book. I loved doing the fall one but the Christmas one is a little daunting being so large, and it's still sitting unfinished (ok, let's be realistic, unSTARTED) on my scrap book table!
Melanie, I'm sooooo glad you're back!!!! I've missed you and the girls! We just got back from vacation at Disney World and yours was the first blog I checked and was so happy to see it back up. I LOVE the picture of the girls at the top of the blog - PRECIOUS!!!!!
OMG your back mo i sure have missed you i just have got back on the blog been having a past few days of feeling blah but i have been checking everyday to see if yor back and i just did today and there you are IAM SO HAPPY TO HAVE YOU BACK MO AND YES IAM WANTING TO DO THE EAR RINGS AND THE SCRAPBOOK KIT I LIKE THE BIG ONE BUT I CAN DO THE SMALL ONE DOESNT MATTER TO ME i love you mo and gabbie and ellie and todd i have read all your blogs now am caught up and cant wait til the next one i wil be commenting to you every time you blog WELCOIME BACK MO YOU WERE MISSED BY ME....
Welcome back! I have been following your blogspot since way back when Ellie was a baby. I was so disappointed when you went private. So I was so excited tonight when I went to your spot and it actually came up! Thanks so much for letting us followers see into the windows of your world.
A BELIEVER in Mississippi,
Cori Bailey
Welcome Back! You were definitely missed. I have been a long time lurker and like the rest have been drawn out of hiding. So glad you decided to come back. I missed your cutie patootie girls.
So glad to be able to see your precious family again. Began following with Jake when I heard about him through Jay Rogers. Your family is just precious and I had really missed getting to see those precious girls.
I am so glad your back. I don't know you and you don't know me (in person). One day I was visiting Radstiches (we went to college together) and ended up on Mo'Joy and have been hooked ever since. I just love your blog! It brings such joy to my day to see your precious girls and to hear about all the great things you do. I live in Arkansas and enjoy reading your blog--I have missed not being able to keep up with your girls--they are so precious! Have a great day!
Oh . . . how your words have been missed! So glad to have you back! Thank you for continuing to inspire us all.
YAYYYYY! MoMo is BACK! I have had SEVERE Mo withdrawal! I was bored and just clicking away and clicked your site-what the heck-I will try AGAIN-and waaaalaaaa there yall were! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! I have missed yall so much! MUAH to Ellie and MUAH to Gabbi! Okay-Okay MUAH MUAH to Mo! Love you guys! Thank you again for sharing such special moments-they are so precious!
Hi Mo,
I am so sorry you had to close your blog for awhile. i have never posted but i wanted you to know that I missed you! I would check your site dailey! I love your family and I love your funny comments! take care, and WELCOME BACK!
Just getting around to being here...Im glad your back. I kept coming here and freaking out because I couldnt get on and didnt have your email address either!! I love seeing pics of your girls...I followed Jake for so long too. I made my blog open again and will continue as long as this horrible person in our lives leaves us alone..For us--and you can read my past posts, seems to be a LOVE ADDICT....so....Ill keep you in my prayers....Love, Marci
YOUR BACK!!! I have been away from the computer in a few days and it was REFRESHING TO SEE YOU ARE BACK!!!How I missed those girls! Staci done a wonderful job of blogging!! Don't know if you read my comment, but me, and the hubby are heading to WEST MONROE for the SHAKE FOR JAKE FUNDRAISER!! We can't wait!! I just have to meet you in person!!!SEE YOU SOON!!
Welcome. back. I have been a lurker for many many years. I kept up with jake while he was sick. We lost a niece to AML around the same time. So he touched my heart.
I just realized you were back!! Sorry that some people say things that make you want to shut down your blog. It's easy to be rude when you are anonymous. So glad to see the cute girlies again!
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